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XML configuration of Cloudlayer ¶
sky silverlining supports cloudlayer to visual different types of clouds. Currentrly osgVisual limits the available layer to 10 by performance reasons. Generally clouds are very performance degrading and should be used with very low densities (expect the raycasting and flat dloud types).
Currently supported cloud types are:
- CloudTypes::CIRROCUMULUS - High planar cloud puffs. (Flat texture)
- CloudTypes::CIRRUS_FIBRATUS - High, thicker and fibrous clouds that signal changing weather. (Flat texture)
- CloudTypes::STRATUS - Low clouds represented as a slab. (Flat texture)
- CloudTypes::CUMULUS_MEDIOCRIS - Low, puffy clouds on fair days.
- CloudTypes::CUMULUS_CONGESTUS - Large cumulus clouds that could turn into a thunderhead.
- CloudTypes::CUMULONIMBUS_CAPPILATUS - A large thunderhead with lightning and rain.
- CloudTypes::STRATOCUMULUS - Low, dense, puffy clouds with some sun breaks between them. (RayCasting?)
You have to specify the "slot" (0-9) in which you want to set the cloudlayer. Additionally you have to specify the cloud type, if it is enabled and what fade time you want to fade the clouds in. The XML <geometry> entry defines the volume extend of the cloudlayer. Be aware that for the cloudlayer types CUMULUS_MEDIOCRIS, CUMULUS_CONGESTUS and CUMULONIMBUS_CAPPILATUS you should use very low density with less than 10% coverage. The XML <precipitation> entry defines the rate of the four precipitation types emitted by this cloudlayer. Set all types to 0.0 to disable the precipitation.
A fully configured cloudlayer looks like this:
<cloudlayer slot="1" type="CUMULUS_CONGESTUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15"> <geometry baselength="50000" basewidth="50000" thickness="1600" baseHeight="1000" density="0.07"></geometry> <precipitation rate_mmPerHour_rain="5.0" rate_mmPerHour_drySnow="7.0" rate_mmPerHour_wetSnow="10.0" rate_mmPerHour_sleet="0.0"></precipitation> </cloudlayer>