[[TracNav(TracNav/TOC)]] = Module for Sky Rendering : Sky Simul Weather = The Simul Weather Support in osgVisual is at the moment just a feasibility study. == How to compile Simul Weather for !OpenSceneGraph (Windows) == Download the following components from the Simul Weather homepage: * Simul Weather SDK (1.9.0) as DLL build * Simul Weather OSG Example * Simul Weather help File (*.chm) To have to install the SDK to any Directory, e.g. OSG_ROOT/SimulSDK Add an Env Var: {{{ #!sh SIMUL=%OSG_ROOT%/SimulSDK/Simul }}} How to install the OSG integration: * Install the osgSimulWeather example/integration to the root folder of your OSG. * Go to OSG_ROOT/src/osgSimulWeather and open your VS solution * Build osgSimulWeather as Debug and as Release, link again the RElease or Debug *_MD.lib libraries How to compile the osgSimulWeather example: * link only against the osgSimulWeather.lib / osgSimulWeatherd.lib * copy the Copy simuls shader/* directory in the applications working directory.