================================================================================ TOC 0 Wishlist I Changes from version 1.0.99 to 1.1.50 II. General Changes III. File-specific Changes ================================================================================ 0. Wishlist - Internationalization: englisch, German - Helpbrowser for the Helpsite - Adding Testpattern (isogonal Checkerboard / Grid) which are independent from projector alignment and fixed and isogonal to the view point. (Implementation in channel.cpp, same idea like overlayimage, but mathematical calculated image.) ================================================================================ Bugfixing: - Overlay images are now working in local/server and client mode - Screen models are now displayed on the clients immediate after connecting (previous the server needed to load a _new_ model to trigger the clients) - If a Screen model file (but defined in a project file) does not exist, a error message is given and a new project started instead of exiting the application without message. - in client mode with screen model, a sync (called by the menu entry) led to a black screen on all clients. This is fixed. Ergonomics: - Filter invalid filenames from screen model loader. This way immediate application shutdown is prevented: On invalid screen model filename: filename is cleared, model not loaded and user informed via message box. - All "Open file" dialogues now using the recent filename as default. - All menu entries are now available via shortcut. The shortcuts for distortion mode, blend mode and preferences are application wide (independent from window) - Icons for easier identification added. Functional Improvements: - Added "About Qt" to the help menu to make the information about used Qt-Version available. Miscellaneous: - compiled against Qt 4.6.2 Knowing Issues: - Only screen models consisting of surfaces are possible. Screens of (even thin) solids lead to unusable distortionmaps. ======================================================================= II. General Changes: * The include of and are replaced by an include og , with a define og GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES to enable the use of the ...EXT prototypes. * The types GLRC_RTT_FBO and GLRC_RTT_COPYSUBTEX are supported. The types GLRC_RTT_PBUFFER_RTT and GLRC_RTT_PBUFFER are not. So the include of "PBuffer.h" becomes windows-specific (not yet implemented with the linux version). * export() methods are renamed in export_dataset(), because 'export' is a reserved keyword. * Under linux, files are case-sensitive, so includes are corrected when it is necessary. * The default rendering becomes GLRC_RTT_AUTO instead of GLRC_RTT_PBUFFER_RTT (which are unavailable under linux). * The QProjectorWindow() calls are changed, in order to open a new window (otherwise the window opens in the OpenGL Viewer under linux if parent is getMainWindow()). 0 is used instead. * Under linux, a switch on a variable of type enum generates some warnings if all values are not switched, or of there is no default case. That's why switch-cases are fullfilled. * Files CHANGES, README and TODO are added. ================================================================================ III. File-specific Changes: * glrc/Compositor.cpp: - The printShaderInfoLog procedure was declared as static but not defined (this causes a compilation error). * glrc/glrc.cpp: - Glee include missed. - glrcDeleteCompositors(): the 'compositors' parameter is unused. * glrc/glrc.h: - The DLL definitions are windows-specific. * glrc/rgbe.c: - A warning correction (conversion between signed/unsigned). * projdesigner/include/Channel.h: - Some methods were unused. * projdesigner/include/Scene.h: - The gridsize attribute is converted from int to float, which seems more coherent. * projdesigner/include/glm/glm.h: - This is a header file, so include definitions are added (#define __GLM_C__) - As this is a C++ header file, 'extern "C"' is added to respect the convention calls. * projdesigner/main.cpp: - Under linux, when using glut, the initialisation is necessary, even if it is only glutWireTeapot. - stricmp() is replaced by strcasecmp() for UNIX compilation. * projdesigner/src/Exporter.cpp: - The color value is an integer, to avoid many warnings. * projdesigner/src/ProjectionModel.cpp: - ProjectionModel::updateViewAndOffscreens(): 'pChannels' parameter was unused. * projdesigner/src/glm/glm.c: - A fprintf() call is modified to avoid a compilation warning. * projdesigner/src/gui/QChannelManagerWidget.cpp: - QChannelManagerWidget::channelTableHeaderClicked(): checkState is initialised to Qt::Unchecked. This changes nothing, but avoid a compilation warning. * projdesigner/src/gui/QDesignViewWidget.cpp: - Some implicit casts are resolved, to avoid compilation warnings. - bCapsLock was unused, so it is put between the following #ifdef/#endif(WIN32). But it really seems to be unused.