/************************************************************** ggt-head beg * * GGT: Generic Graphics Toolkit * * Original Authors: * Allen Bierbaum * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * File: Generate.h,v * Date modified: 2006/04/24 14:33:04 * Version: 1.91 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * *********************************************************** ggt-head end */ /*************************************************************** ggt-cpr beg * * GGT: The Generic Graphics Toolkit * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Allen Bierbaum * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************ ggt-cpr end */ #ifndef _GMTL_GENERATE_H_ #define _GMTL_GENERATE_H_ #include #include #include #include // for Vec #include // for lengthSquared #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace gmtl { /** @ingroup Generate * @name Vec Generators * @{ */ /** create a vector from the vector component of a quaternion * @returns a vector of the quaternion's axis. quat = [v,0] = [v0,v1,v2,0] */ template inline Vec makeVec( const Quat& quat ) { return Vec( quat[Xelt], quat[Yelt], quat[Zelt] ); } /** create a normalized vector from the given vector. */ template inline Vec makeNormal( Vec vec ) { normalize( vec ); return vec; } /** * Computes the cross product between v1 and v2 and returns the result. Note * that this only applies to 3-dimensional vectors. * * @pre v1 and v2 must be 3-D vectors * @post result = v1 x v2 * * @param v1 the first vector * @param v2 the second vector * * @return the result of the cross product between v1 and v2 */ template Vec makeCross(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2) { return Vec( ((v1[Yelt]*v2[Zelt]) - (v1[Zelt]*v2[Yelt])), ((v1[Zelt]*v2[Xelt]) - (v1[Xelt]*v2[Zelt])), ((v1[Xelt]*v2[Yelt]) - (v1[Yelt]*v2[Xelt])) ); } /** Set vector using translation portion of the matrix. * @pre if making an n x n matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS - 1 * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS * if making an n x n+1 matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS + 1 * @post if preconditions are not met, then function is undefined (will not compile) */ template inline VEC_TYPE& setTrans( VEC_TYPE& result, const Matrix& arg ) { // ASSERT: There are as many // if n x n then (homogeneous case) vecsize == rows-1 or (scale component case) vecsize == rows // if n x n+1 then (homogeneous case) vecsize == rows or (scale component case) vecsize == rows+1 gmtlASSERT( ((ROWS == COLS && ( VEC_TYPE::Size == (ROWS-1) || VEC_TYPE::Size == ROWS)) || (COLS == (ROWS+1) && ( VEC_TYPE::Size == ROWS || VEC_TYPE::Size == (ROWS+1)))) && "preconditions not met for vector size in call to makeTrans. Read your documentation." ); // homogeneous case... if ((ROWS == COLS && VEC_TYPE::Size == ROWS) // Square matrix and vec so assume homogeneous vector. ex. 4x4 with vec 4 || (COLS == (ROWS+1) && VEC_TYPE::Size == (ROWS+1))) // ex: 3x4 with vec4 { result[VEC_TYPE::Size-1] = 1.0f; } // non-homogeneous case... (SIZE == ROWS), //else //{} for (unsigned x = 0; x < COLS - 1; ++x) { result[x] = arg( x, COLS - 1 ); } return result; } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name Quat Generators * @{ */ /** Set pure quaternion * @pre vec should be normalized * @param quat any quaternion object * @param vec a normalized vector representing an axis * @post quat will have vec as its axis, and no rotation */ template inline Quat& setPure( Quat& quat, const Vec& vec ) { quat.set( vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], 0 ); return quat; } /** create a pure quaternion * @pre vec should be normalized * @param vec a normalized vector representing an axis * @return a quaternion with vec as its axis, and no rotation * @post quat = [v,0] = [v0,v1,v2,0] */ template inline Quat makePure( const Vec& vec ) { return Quat( vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], 0 ); } /** Normalize a quaternion * @param quat a quaternion * @post quat is normalized */ template inline Quat makeNormal( const Quat& quat ) { Quat temporary( quat ); return normalize( temporary ); } /** quaternion complex conjugate. * @param quat any quaternion object * @post set result to the complex conjugate of result. * @post result'[x,y,z,w] == result[-x,-y,-z,w] * @see Quat */ template inline Quat makeConj( const Quat& quat ) { Quat temporary( quat ); return conj( temporary ); } /** create quaternion from the inverse of another quaternion. * @param quat any quaternion object * @return a quaternion that is the multiplicative inverse of quat * @see Quat */ template inline Quat makeInvert( const Quat& quat ) { Quat temporary( quat ); return invert( temporary ); } /** Convert an AxisAngle to a Quat. sets a rotation quaternion from an angle and an axis. * @pre AxisAngle::axis must be normalized to length == 1 prior to calling this. * @post q = [ cos(rad/2), sin(rad/2) * [x,y,z] ] */ template inline Quat& set( Quat& result, const AxisAngle& axisAngle ) { gmtlASSERT( (Math::isEqual( lengthSquared( axisAngle.getAxis() ), (DATA_TYPE)1.0, (DATA_TYPE)0.0001 )) && "you must pass in a normalized vector to setRot( quat, rad, vec )" ); DATA_TYPE half_angle = axisAngle.getAngle() * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; DATA_TYPE sin_half_angle = Math::sin( half_angle ); result[Welt] = Math::cos( half_angle ); result[Xelt] = sin_half_angle * axisAngle.getAxis()[0]; result[Yelt] = sin_half_angle * axisAngle.getAxis()[1]; result[Zelt] = sin_half_angle * axisAngle.getAxis()[2]; // should automagically be normalized (unit magnitude) now... return result; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(quat,axisangle) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(quat,axisangle). */ template inline Quat& setRot( Quat& result, const AxisAngle& axisAngle ) { return gmtl::set( result, axisAngle ); } /** Convert an EulerAngle rotation to a Quaternion rotation. * Sets a rotation quaternion using euler angles (each angle in radians). * @pre pass in your angles in the same order as the RotationOrder you specify */ template inline Quat& set( Quat& result, const EulerAngle& euler ) { // this might be faster if put into the switch statement... (testme) const int& order = ROT_ORDER::ID; const DATA_TYPE xRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[0] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[1] : euler[2]); const DATA_TYPE yRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[1] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[2] : euler[1]); const DATA_TYPE zRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[2] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[0] : euler[0]); // this could be written better for each rotation order, but this is really general... Quat qx, qy, qz; // precompute half angles DATA_TYPE xOver2 = xRot * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; DATA_TYPE yOver2 = yRot * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; DATA_TYPE zOver2 = zRot * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; // set the pitch quat qx[Xelt] = Math::sin( xOver2 ); qx[Yelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qx[Zelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qx[Welt] = Math::cos( xOver2 ); // set the yaw quat qy[Xelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qy[Yelt] = Math::sin( yOver2 ); qy[Zelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qy[Welt] = Math::cos( yOver2 ); // set the roll quat qz[Xelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qz[Yelt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; qz[Zelt] = Math::sin( zOver2 ); qz[Welt] = Math::cos( zOver2 ); // compose the three in pyr order... switch (order) { case XYZ::ID: result = qx * qy * qz; break; case ZYX::ID: result = qz * qy * qx; break; case ZXY::ID: result = qz * qx * qy; break; default: gmtlASSERT( false && "unknown rotation order passed to setRot" ); break; } // ensure the quaternion is normalized normalize( result ); return result; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(quat,eulerangle) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(quat,eulerangle). */ template inline Quat& setRot( Quat& result, const EulerAngle& euler ) { return gmtl::set( result, euler ); } /** Convert a Matrix to a Quat. * Sets the rotation quaternion using the given matrix * (3x3, 3x4, 4x3, or 4x4 are all valid sizes). */ template inline Quat& set( Quat& quat, const Matrix& mat ) { gmtlASSERT( ((ROWS == 3 && COLS == 3) || (ROWS == 3 && COLS == 4) || (ROWS == 4 && COLS == 3) || (ROWS == 4 && COLS == 4)) && "pre conditions not met on set( quat, pos, mat ) which only sets a quaternion to the rotation part of a 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, or 4x4 matrix." ); DATA_TYPE tr( mat( 0, 0 ) + mat( 1, 1 ) + mat( 2, 2 ) ), s( 0.0f ); // If diagonal is positive if (tr > (DATA_TYPE)0.0) { s = Math::sqrt( tr + (DATA_TYPE)1.0 ); quat[Welt] = s * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; s = DATA_TYPE(0.5) / s; quat[Xelt] = (mat( 2, 1 ) - mat( 1, 2 )) * s; quat[Yelt] = (mat( 0, 2 ) - mat( 2, 0 )) * s; quat[Zelt] = (mat( 1, 0 ) - mat( 0, 1 )) * s; } // when Diagonal is negative else { static const unsigned int nxt[3] = { 1, 2, 0 }; unsigned int i( Xelt ), j, k; if (mat( 1, 1 ) > mat( 0, 0 )) i = 1; if (mat( 2, 2 ) > mat( i, i )) i = 2; j = nxt[i]; k = nxt[j]; s = Math::sqrt( (mat( i, i )-(mat( j, j )+mat( k, k ))) + (DATA_TYPE)1.0 ); DATA_TYPE q[4]; q[i] = s * (DATA_TYPE)0.5; if (s != (DATA_TYPE)0.0) s = DATA_TYPE(0.5) / s; q[3] = (mat( k, j ) - mat( j, k )) * s; q[j] = (mat( j, i ) + mat( i, j )) * s; q[k] = (mat( k, i ) + mat( i, k )) * s; quat[Xelt] = q[0]; quat[Yelt] = q[1]; quat[Zelt] = q[2]; quat[Welt] = q[3]; } return quat; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(quat,mat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(quat,mat). */ template inline Quat& setRot( Quat& result, const Matrix& mat ) { return gmtl::set( result, mat ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name AxisAngle Generators * @{ */ /** Convert a rotation quaternion to an AxisAngle. * * @post returns an angle in radians, and a normalized axis equivilent to the quaternion's rotation. * @post returns rad and xyz such that *
  • rad = acos( w ) * 2.0 *
  • vec = v / (asin( w ) * 2.0) [where v is the xyz or vector component of the quat] *
* @post axisAngle = quat; */ template inline AxisAngle& set( AxisAngle& axisAngle, Quat quat ) { // set sure we don't get a NaN result from acos... if (Math::abs( quat[Welt] ) > (DATA_TYPE)1.0) { gmtl::normalize( quat ); } gmtlASSERT( Math::abs( quat[Welt] ) <= (DATA_TYPE)1.0 && "acos returns NaN when quat[Welt] > 1, try normalizing your quat." ); // [acos( w ) * 2.0, v / (asin( w ) * 2.0)] // set the angle - aCos is mathematically defined to be between 0 and PI DATA_TYPE rad = Math::aCos( quat[Welt] ) * (DATA_TYPE)2.0; axisAngle.setAngle( rad ); // set the axis: (use sin(rad) instead of asin(w)) DATA_TYPE sin_half_angle = Math::sin( rad * (DATA_TYPE)0.5 ); if (sin_half_angle >= (DATA_TYPE)0.0001) // because (PI >= rad >= 0) { DATA_TYPE sin_half_angle_inv = DATA_TYPE(1.0) / sin_half_angle; Vec axis( quat[Xelt] * sin_half_angle_inv, quat[Yelt] * sin_half_angle_inv, quat[Zelt] * sin_half_angle_inv ); normalize( axis ); axisAngle.setAxis( axis ); } // avoid NAN else { // one of the terms should be a 1, // so we can maintain unit-ness // in case w is 0 (which here w is 0) axisAngle.setAxis( gmtl::Vec( DATA_TYPE( 1.0 ) /*- gmtl::Math::abs( quat[Welt] )*/, (DATA_TYPE)0.0, (DATA_TYPE)0.0 ) ); } return axisAngle; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(axisangle,quat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(axisangle,quat) for clarity. */ template inline AxisAngle& setRot( AxisAngle& result, Quat quat ) { return gmtl::set( result, quat ); } /** make the axis of an AxisAngle normalized */ template AxisAngle makeNormal( const AxisAngle& a ) { return AxisAngle( a.getAngle(), makeNormal( a.getAxis() ) ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name EulerAngle Generators * @{ */ /** Convert Matrix to EulerAngle. * Set the Euler Angle from the given rotation portion (3x3) of the matrix. * * @param input order, mat * @param output param0, param1, param2 * * @pre pass in your args in the same order as the RotationOrder you specify * @post this function only reads 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * NOTE: Angles are returned in radians (this is always true in GMTL). */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER > inline EulerAngle& set( EulerAngle& euler, const Matrix& mat ) { // @todo set this a compile time assert... gmtlASSERT( ROWS >= 3 && COLS >= 3 && ROWS <= 4 && COLS <= 4 && "this is undefined for Matrix smaller than 3x3 or bigger than 4x4" ); // @todo metaprogram this! const int& order = ROT_ORDER::ID; switch (order) { case XYZ::ID: { #if 0 euler[2] = Math::aTan2( -mat(0,1), mat(0,0) ); // -(-cy*sz)/(cy*cz) - cy falls out euler[0] = Math::aTan2( -mat(1,2), mat(2,2) ); // -(sx*cy)/(cx*cy) - cy falls out DATA_TYPE cz = Math::cos( euler[2] ); euler[1] = Math::aTan2( mat(0,2), mat(0,0) / cz ); // (sy)/((cy*cz)/cz) #else DATA_TYPE x(0), y(0), z(0); y = Math::aSin( mat(0,2)); if (y < gmtl::Math::PI_OVER_2) { if(y > -gmtl::Math::PI_OVER_2) { x = Math::aTan2(-mat(1,2),mat(2,2)); z = Math::aTan2(-mat(0,1),mat(0,0)); } else // Non-unique (x - z constant) { x = -Math::aTan2(mat(1,0), mat(1,1)); z = 0; } } else { // not unique (x + z constant) x = Math::aTan2(mat(1,0), mat(1,1)); z = 0; } euler[0] = x; euler[1] = y; euler[2] = z; #endif } break; case ZYX::ID: { #if 0 euler[0] = Math::aTan2( mat(1,0), mat(0,0) ); // (cy*sz)/(cy*cz) - cy falls out euler[2] = Math::aTan2( mat(2,1), mat(2,2) ); // (sx*cy)/(cx*cy) - cy falls out DATA_TYPE sx = Math::sin( euler[2] ); euler[1] = Math::aTan2( -mat(2,0), mat(2,1) / sx ); // -(-sy)/((sx*cy)/sx) #else DATA_TYPE x(0), y(0), z(0); y = Math::aSin(-mat(2,0)); if(y < Math::PI_OVER_2) { if(y>-Math::PI_OVER_2) { z = Math::aTan2(mat(1,0), mat(0,0)); x = Math::aTan2(mat(2,1), mat(2,2)); } else // not unique (x + z constant) { z = Math::aTan2(-mat(0,1),-mat(0,2)); x = 0; } } else // not unique (x - z constant) { z = -Math::aTan2(mat(0,1), mat(0,2)); x = 0; } euler[0] = z; euler[1] = y; euler[2] = x; #endif } break; case ZXY::ID: { #if 0 // Extract the rotation directly from the matrix DATA_TYPE x_angle; DATA_TYPE y_angle; DATA_TYPE z_angle; DATA_TYPE cos_y, sin_y; DATA_TYPE cos_x, sin_x; DATA_TYPE cos_z, sin_z; sin_x = mat(2,1); x_angle = Math::aSin( sin_x ); // Get x angle cos_x = Math::cos( x_angle ); // Check if cos_x = Zero if (cos_x != 0.0f) // ASSERT: cos_x != 0 { // Get y Angle cos_y = mat(2,2) / cos_x; sin_y = -mat(2,0) / cos_x; y_angle = Math::aTan2( cos_y, sin_y ); // Get z Angle cos_z = mat(1,1) / cos_x; sin_z = -mat(0,1) / cos_x; z_angle = Math::aTan2( cos_z, sin_z ); } else { // Arbitrarily set z_angle = 0 z_angle = 0; // Get y Angle cos_y = mat(0,0); sin_y = mat(1,0); y_angle = Math::aTan2( cos_y, sin_y ); } euler[1] = x_angle; euler[2] = y_angle; euler[0] = z_angle; #else DATA_TYPE x,y,z; x = Math::aSin(mat(2,1)); if(x < Math::PI_OVER_2) { if(x > -Math::PI_OVER_2) { z = Math::aTan2(-mat(0,1), mat(1,1)); y = Math::aTan2(-mat(2,0), mat(2,2)); } else // not unique (y - z constant) { z = -Math::aTan2(mat(0,2), mat(0,0)); y = 0; } } else // not unique (y + z constant) { z = Math::aTan2(mat(0,2), mat(0,0)); y = 0; } euler[0] = z; euler[1] = x; euler[2] = y; #endif } break; default: gmtlASSERT( false && "unknown rotation order passed to setRot" ); break; } return euler; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(eulerangle,quat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(eulerangle,quat) for clarity. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER > inline EulerAngle& setRot( EulerAngle& result, const Matrix& mat ) { return gmtl::set( result, mat ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name Matrix Generators * @{ */ /** Set an arbitrary projection matrix * @result: set a projection matrix (similar to glFrustum). */ template inline Matrix& setFrustum( Matrix& result, T left, T top, T right, T bottom, T nr, T fr ) { result.mData[0] = ( T( 2.0 ) * nr ) / ( right - left ); result.mData[1] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[2] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[3] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[4] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[5] = ( T( 2.0 ) * nr ) / ( top - bottom ); result.mData[6] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[7] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[8] = ( right + left ) / ( right - left ); result.mData[9] = ( top + bottom ) / ( top - bottom ); result.mData[10] = -( fr + nr ) / ( fr - nr ); result.mData[11] = T( -1.0 ); result.mData[12] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[13] = T( 0.0 ); result.mData[14] = -( T( 2.0 ) * fr * nr ) / ( fr - nr ); result.mData[15] = T( 0.0 ); result.mState = Matrix::FULL; // track state return result; } /** Set an orthographic projection matrix * creates a transformation that produces a parallel projection matrix. * @nr = -nr is the value of the near clipping plane (positive value for near is negative in the z direction) * @fr = -fr is the value of the far clipping plane (positive value for far is negative in the z direction) * @result: set a orthographic matrix (similar to glOrtho). */ template inline Matrix& setOrtho( Matrix& result, T left, T top, T right, T bottom, T nr, T fr ) { result.mData[1] = result.mData[2] = result.mData[3] = result.mData[4] = result.mData[6] = result.mData[7] = result.mData[8] = result.mData[9] = result.mData[11] = T(0); T rl_inv = T(1) / (right - left); T tb_inv = T(1) / (top - bottom); T nf_inv = T(1) / (fr - nr); result.mData[0] = T(2) * rl_inv; result.mData[5] = T(2) * tb_inv; result.mData[10] = -T(2) * nf_inv; result.mData[12] = -(right + left) * rl_inv; result.mData[13] = -(top + bottom) * tb_inv; result.mData[14] = -(fr + nr) * nf_inv; result.mData[15] = T(1); return result; } /** Set a symmetric perspective projection matrix * @param fovy * The field of view angle, in degrees, about the y-axis. * @param aspect * The aspect ratio that determines the field of view about the x-axis. * The aspect ratio is the ratio of x (width) to y (height). * @param zNear * The distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane (always positive). * @param zFar * The distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane (always positive). * @result Set matrix to perspective transform */ template inline Matrix& setPerspective( Matrix& result, T fovy, T aspect, T nr, T fr ) { gmtlASSERT( nr > 0 && fr > nr && "invalid near and far values" ); T theta = Math::deg2Rad( fovy * T( 0.5 ) ); T tangentTheta = Math::tan( theta ); // tan(theta) = right / nr // top = tan(theta) * nr // right = tan(theta) * nr * aspect T top = tangentTheta * nr; T right = top * aspect; // aspect determines the fieald of view in the x-axis // TODO: args need to match... return setFrustum( result, -right, top, right, -top, nr, fr ); } /* template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE, typename REP > inline Matrix& setTrans( Matrix& result, const VecBase& trans ) { const Vec temp_vec(trans); return setTrans(result,trans); } */ /** Set matrix translation from vec. * @pre if making an n x n matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS - 1 * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS * if making an n x n+1 matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS + 1 * @post if preconditions are not met, then function is undefined (will not compile) */ #ifdef GMTL_NO_METAPROG template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE > inline Matrix& setTrans( Matrix& result, const VecBase& trans ) #else template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE, typename REP > inline Matrix& setTrans( Matrix& result, const VecBase& trans ) #endif { /* @todo make this a compile time assert... */ // if n x n then (homogeneous case) vecsize == rows-1 or (scale component case) vecsize == rows // if n x n+1 then (homogeneous case) vecsize == rows or (scale component case) vecsize == rows+1 gmtlASSERT( ((ROWS == COLS && (SIZE == (ROWS-1) || SIZE == ROWS)) || (COLS == (ROWS+1) && (SIZE == ROWS || SIZE == (ROWS+1)))) && "preconditions not met for vector size in call to makeTrans. Read your documentation." ); // homogeneous case... if ((ROWS == COLS && SIZE == ROWS) /* Square matrix and vec so assume homogeneous vector. ex. 4x4 with vec 4 */ || (COLS == (ROWS+1) && SIZE == (ROWS+1))) /* ex: 3x4 with vec4 */ { DATA_TYPE homog_val = trans[SIZE-1]; for (unsigned x = 0; x < COLS - 1; ++x) result( x, COLS - 1 ) = trans[x] / homog_val; } // non-homogeneous case... else { for (unsigned x = 0; x < COLS - 1; ++x) result( x, COLS - 1 ) = trans[x]; } // track state, only override identity switch (result.mState) { case Matrix::ORTHOGONAL: result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: result.mState = Matrix::TRANS; break; } return result; } /** Set the scale part of a matrix. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, unsigned SIZE > inline Matrix& setScale( Matrix& result, const Vec& scale ) { gmtlASSERT( ((SIZE == (ROWS-1) && SIZE == (COLS-1)) || (SIZE == (ROWS-1) && SIZE == COLS) || (SIZE == (COLS-1) && SIZE == ROWS)) && "the scale params must fit within the matrix, check your sizes." ); for (unsigned x = 0; x < SIZE; ++x) { result( x, x ) = scale[x]; } // track state: affine matrix with non-uniform scale now. result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; result.mState |= Matrix::NON_UNISCALE; return result; } /** Sets the scale part of a matrix. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix& setScale( Matrix& result, const DATA_TYPE scale ) { for (unsigned x = 0; x < Math::Min( ROWS, COLS, Math::Max( ROWS, COLS ) - 1 ); ++x) // account for 2x4 or other weird sizes... { result( x, x ) = scale; } // track state: affine matrix with non-uniform scale now. result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; result.mState |= Matrix::NON_UNISCALE; return result; } /** Create a scale matrix. * @param scale You'll typically pass in a Vec or a float here. * @seealso setScale() for all possible argument types for this function. */ template inline MATRIX_TYPE makeScale( const INPUT_TYPE& scale, Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE > t = Type2Type< MATRIX_TYPE >() ) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); MATRIX_TYPE temporary; return setScale( temporary, scale ); } /** Set the rotation portion of a rotation matrix using an axis and an angle (in radians). * Only writes to the rotation matrix (3x3) defined by the rotation part of M * @post this function only writes to 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * @pre you must pass a normalized vector in for the axis, results are undefined if not. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix& setRot( Matrix& result, const AxisAngle& axisAngle ) { /* @todo set this a compile time assert... */ gmtlASSERT( ROWS >= 3 && COLS >= 3 && ROWS <= 4 && COLS <= 4 && "this func is undefined for Matrix smaller than 3x3 or bigger than 4x4" ); gmtlASSERT( Math::isEqual( lengthSquared( axisAngle.getAxis() ), (DATA_TYPE)1.0, (DATA_TYPE)0.001 ) /* && "you must pass in a normalized vector to setRot( mat, rad, vec )" */ ); // GGI: pg 466 DATA_TYPE s = Math::sin( axisAngle.getAngle() ); DATA_TYPE c = Math::cos( axisAngle.getAngle() ); DATA_TYPE t = DATA_TYPE( 1.0 ) - c; DATA_TYPE x = axisAngle.getAxis()[0]; DATA_TYPE y = axisAngle.getAxis()[1]; DATA_TYPE z = axisAngle.getAxis()[2]; /* From: Introduction to robotic. Craig. Pg. 52 */ result( 0, 0 ) = (t*x*x)+c; result( 0, 1 ) = (t*x*y)-(s*z); result( 0, 2 ) = (t*x*z)+(s*y); result( 1, 0 ) = (t*x*y)+(s*z); result( 1, 1 ) = (t*y*y)+c; result( 1, 2 ) = (t*y*z)-(s*x); result( 2, 0 ) = (t*x*z)-(s*y); result( 2, 1 ) = (t*y*z)+(s*x); result( 2, 2 ) = (t*z*z)+c; // track state switch (result.mState) { case Matrix::TRANS: result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: result.mState = Matrix::ORTHOGONAL; break; } return result; } /** Set (only) the rotation part of a matrix using an EulerAngle (angles are in radians). * @post this function only produces 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * @see EulerAngle for angle ordering (usually ordered based on RotationOrder) */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER > inline Matrix& setRot( Matrix& result, const EulerAngle& euler ) { // @todo set this a compile time assert... gmtlASSERT( ROWS >= 3 && COLS >= 3 && ROWS <= 4 && COLS <= 4 && "this is undefined for Matrix smaller than 3x3 or bigger than 4x4" ); // this might be faster if put into the switch statement... (testme) const int& order = ROT_ORDER::ID; const DATA_TYPE xRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[0] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[1] : euler[2]); const DATA_TYPE yRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[1] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[2] : euler[1]); const DATA_TYPE zRot = (order == XYZ::ID) ? euler[2] : ((order == ZXY::ID) ? euler[0] : euler[0]); DATA_TYPE sx = Math::sin( xRot ); DATA_TYPE cx = Math::cos( xRot ); DATA_TYPE sy = Math::sin( yRot ); DATA_TYPE cy = Math::cos( yRot ); DATA_TYPE sz = Math::sin( zRot ); DATA_TYPE cz = Math::cos( zRot ); // @todo metaprogram this! switch (order) { case XYZ::ID: // Derived by simply multiplying out the matrices by hand X * Y * Z result( 0, 0 ) = cy*cz; result( 0, 1 ) = -cy*sz; result( 0, 2 ) = sy; result( 1, 0 ) = sx*sy*cz + cx*sz; result( 1, 1 ) = -sx*sy*sz + cx*cz; result( 1, 2 ) = -sx*cy; result( 2, 0 ) = -cx*sy*cz + sx*sz; result( 2, 1 ) = cx*sy*sz + sx*cz; result( 2, 2 ) = cx*cy; break; case ZYX::ID: // Derived by simply multiplying out the matrices by hand Z * Y * Z result( 0, 0 ) = cy*cz; result( 0, 1 ) = -cx*sz + sx*sy*cz; result( 0, 2 ) = sx*sz + cx*sy*cz; result( 1, 0 ) = cy*sz; result( 1, 1 ) = cx*cz + sx*sy*sz; result( 1, 2 ) = -sx*cz + cx*sy*sz; result( 2, 0 ) = -sy; result( 2, 1 ) = sx*cy; result( 2, 2 ) = cx*cy; break; case ZXY::ID: // Derived by simply multiplying out the matrices by hand Z * X * Y result( 0, 0 ) = cy*cz - sx*sy*sz; result( 0, 1 ) = -cx*sz; result( 0, 2 ) = sy*cz + sx*cy*sz; result( 1, 0 ) = cy*sz + sx*sy*cz; result( 1, 1 ) = cx*cz; result( 1, 2 ) = sy*sz - sx*cy*cz; result( 2, 0 ) = -cx*sy; result( 2, 1 ) = sx; result( 2, 2 ) = cx*cy; break; default: gmtlASSERT( false && "unknown rotation order passed to setRot" ); break; } // track state switch (result.mState) { case Matrix::TRANS: result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: result.mState = Matrix::ORTHOGONAL; break; } return result; } /** Convert an AxisAngle to a rotation matrix. * @post this function only writes to 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * @pre AxisAngle must be normalized (the axis part), results are undefined if not. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix& set( Matrix& result, const AxisAngle& axisAngle ) { gmtl::identity( result ); return setRot( result, axisAngle ); } /** Convert an EulerAngle to a rotation matrix. * @post this function only writes to 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS, typename ROT_ORDER > inline Matrix& set( Matrix& result, const EulerAngle& euler ) { gmtl::identity( result ); return setRot( result, euler ); } /** * Extracts the Y axis rotation information from the matrix. * @post Returned value is from -PI to PI, where 0 is none. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline DATA_TYPE makeYRot( const Matrix& mat ) { const gmtl::Vec forward_point(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // -Z const gmtl::Vec origin_point(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gmtl::Vec end_point, start_point; gmtl::xform(end_point, mat, forward_point); gmtl::xform(start_point, mat, origin_point); gmtl::Vec direction_vector = end_point - start_point; // Constrain the direction to XZ-plane only. direction_vector[1] = 0.0f; // Eliminate Y value gmtl::normalize(direction_vector); DATA_TYPE y_rot = gmtl::Math::aCos(gmtl::dot(direction_vector, forward_point)); gmtl::Vec which_side = gmtl::makeCross(forward_point, direction_vector); // If direction vector to "right" (negative) side of forward if ( which_side[1] < 0.0f ) { y_rot = -y_rot; } return y_rot; } /** * Extracts the X-axis rotation information from the matrix. * @post Returned value is from -PI to PI, where 0 is no rotation. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline DATA_TYPE makeXRot( const Matrix& mat ) { const gmtl::Vec forward_point(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // -Z const gmtl::Vec origin_point(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gmtl::Vec end_point, start_point; gmtl::xform(end_point, mat, forward_point); gmtl::xform(start_point, mat, origin_point); gmtl::Vec direction_vector = end_point - start_point; // Constrain the direction to YZ-plane only. direction_vector[0] = 0.0f; // Eliminate X value gmtl::normalize(direction_vector); DATA_TYPE x_rot = gmtl::Math::aCos(gmtl::dot(direction_vector, forward_point)); gmtl::Vec which_side = gmtl::makeCross(forward_point, direction_vector); // If direction vector to "bottom" (negative) side of forward if ( which_side[0] < 0.0f ) { x_rot = -x_rot; } return x_rot; } /** * Extracts the Z-axis rotation information from the matrix. * @post Returned value is from -PI to PI, where 0 is no rotation. */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline DATA_TYPE makeZRot( const Matrix& mat ) { const gmtl::Vec forward_point(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // +x const gmtl::Vec origin_point(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); gmtl::Vec end_point, start_point; gmtl::xform(end_point, mat, forward_point); gmtl::xform(start_point, mat, origin_point); gmtl::Vec direction_vector = end_point - start_point; // Constrain the direction to XY-plane only. direction_vector[2] = 0.0f; // Eliminate Z value gmtl::normalize(direction_vector); DATA_TYPE z_rot = gmtl::Math::aCos(gmtl::dot(direction_vector, forward_point)); gmtl::Vec which_side = gmtl::makeCross(forward_point, direction_vector); // If direction vector to "right" (negative) side of forward if ( which_side[2] < 0.0f ) { z_rot = -z_rot; } return z_rot; } /** create a rotation matrix that will rotate from SrcAxis to DestAxis. * xSrcAxis, ySrcAxis, zSrcAxis is the base rotation to go from and defaults to xSrcAxis(1,0,0), ySrcAxis(0,1,0), zSrcAxis(0,0,1) if you only pass in 3 axes. * * If the two coordinate frames are labeled: SRC and TARGET, the matrix produced is: src_M_target * this means that it will transform a point in TARGET to SRC but moves the base frame from SRC to TARGET. * * @pre pass in 3 axes, and setDirCos will give you the rotation from MATRIX_IDENTITY to DestAxis * @pre pass in 6 axes, and setDirCos will give you the rotation from your 3-axis rotation to your second 3-axis rotation * @post this function only produces 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix& setDirCos( Matrix& result, const Vec& xDestAxis, const Vec& yDestAxis, const Vec& zDestAxis, const Vec& xSrcAxis = Vec(1,0,0), const Vec& ySrcAxis = Vec(0,1,0), const Vec& zSrcAxis = Vec(0,0,1) ) { // @todo set this a compile time assert... gmtlASSERT( ROWS >= 3 && COLS >= 3 && ROWS <= 4 && COLS <= 4 && "this is undefined for Matrix smaller than 3x3 or bigger than 4x4" ); DATA_TYPE Xa, Xb, Xc; // Direction cosines of the secondary x-axis DATA_TYPE Ya, Yb, Yc; // Direction cosines of the secondary y-axis DATA_TYPE Za, Zb, Zc; // Direction cosines of the secondary z-axis Xa = dot(xDestAxis, xSrcAxis); Xb = dot(xDestAxis, ySrcAxis); Xc = dot(xDestAxis, zSrcAxis); Ya = dot(yDestAxis, xSrcAxis); Yb = dot(yDestAxis, ySrcAxis); Yc = dot(yDestAxis, zSrcAxis); Za = dot(zDestAxis, xSrcAxis); Zb = dot(zDestAxis, ySrcAxis); Zc = dot(zDestAxis, zSrcAxis); // Set the matrix correctly result( 0, 0 ) = Xa; result( 0, 1 ) = Ya; result( 0, 2 ) = Za; result( 1, 0 ) = Xb; result( 1, 1 ) = Yb; result( 1, 2 ) = Zb; result( 2, 0 ) = Xc; result( 2, 1 ) = Yc; result( 2, 2 ) = Zc; // track state switch (result.mState) { case Matrix::TRANS: result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: result.mState = Matrix::ORTHOGONAL; break; } return result; } /** set the matrix given the raw coordinate axes. * @post this function only produces 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * @post these axes are copied direct to the 3x3 in the matrix */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix& setAxes( Matrix& result, const Vec& xAxis, const Vec& yAxis, const Vec& zAxis ) { // @todo set this a compile time assert... gmtlASSERT( ROWS >= 3 && COLS >= 3 && ROWS <= 4 && COLS <= 4 && "this is undefined for Matrix smaller than 3x3 or bigger than 4x4" ); result( 0, 0 ) = xAxis[0]; result( 1, 0 ) = xAxis[1]; result( 2, 0 ) = xAxis[2]; result( 0, 1 ) = yAxis[0]; result( 1, 1 ) = yAxis[1]; result( 2, 1 ) = yAxis[2]; result( 0, 2 ) = zAxis[0]; result( 1, 2 ) = zAxis[1]; result( 2, 2 ) = zAxis[2]; // track state switch (result.mState) { case Matrix::TRANS: result.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: result.mState = Matrix::ORTHOGONAL; break; } return result; } /** set the matrix given the raw coordinate axes. * @post this function only produces 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise * @post these axes are copied direct to the 3x3 in the matrix */ template< typename ROTATION_TYPE > inline ROTATION_TYPE makeAxes( const Vec& xAxis, const Vec& yAxis, const Vec& zAxis, Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t = Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >() ) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); ROTATION_TYPE temporary; return setAxes( temporary, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis ); } /** create a matrix transposed from the source. * @post returns the transpose of m * @see Quat */ template < typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix makeTranspose( const Matrix& m ) { Matrix temporary( m ); return transpose( temporary ); } /** * Creates a matrix that is the inverse of the given source matrix. * * @param src the matrix to compute the inverse of * * @return the inverse of source */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > inline Matrix makeInvert(const Matrix& src) { Matrix result; return invert( result, src ); } /** Set the rotation portion of a matrix (3x3) from a rotation quaternion. * @pre only 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, or 4x4 matrices are allowed, function is undefined otherwise. */ template Matrix& setRot( Matrix& mat, const Quat& q ) { gmtlASSERT( ((ROWS == 3 && COLS == 3) || (ROWS == 3 && COLS == 4) || (ROWS == 4 && COLS == 3) || (ROWS == 4 && COLS == 4)) && "pre conditions not met on set( mat, quat ) which only sets a quaternion to the rotation part of a 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, or 4x4 matrix." ); // From Watt & Watt DATA_TYPE wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, xs, ys, zs; xs = q[Xelt] + q[Xelt]; ys = q[Yelt] + q[Yelt]; zs = q[Zelt] + q[Zelt]; xx = q[Xelt] * xs; xy = q[Xelt] * ys; xz = q[Xelt] * zs; yy = q[Yelt] * ys; yz = q[Yelt] * zs; zz = q[Zelt] * zs; wx = q[Welt] * xs; wy = q[Welt] * ys; wz = q[Welt] * zs; mat( 0, 0 ) = DATA_TYPE(1.0) - (yy + zz); mat( 1, 0 ) = xy + wz; mat( 2, 0 ) = xz - wy; mat( 0, 1 ) = xy - wz; mat( 1, 1 ) = DATA_TYPE(1.0) - (xx + zz); mat( 2, 1 ) = yz + wx; mat( 0, 2 ) = xz + wy; mat( 1, 2 ) = yz - wx; mat( 2, 2 ) = DATA_TYPE(1.0) - (xx + yy); // track state switch (mat.mState) { case Matrix::TRANS: mat.mState = Matrix::AFFINE; break; case Matrix::IDENTITY: mat.mState = Matrix::ORTHOGONAL; break; } return mat; } /** Convert a Coord to a Matrix * Note: It is set directly, but this is equivalent to T*R where T is the translation matrix and R is the rotation matrix. * @see Coord * @see Matrix */ template inline Matrix& set( Matrix& mat, const Coord& coord ) { // set to ident first... gmtl::identity( mat ); // set translation // @todo metaprogram this out for 3x3 and 2x2 matrices if (MATCOLS == 4) { setTrans( mat, coord.getPos() );// filtered (only sets the trans part). } setRot( mat, coord.getRot() ); // filtered (only sets the rot part). return mat; } /** Convert a Quat to a rotation Matrix. * @pre only 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, or 4x4 matrices are allowed, function is undefined otherwise. * @post Matrix is entirely overwritten. * @todo Implement using setRot */ template Matrix& set( Matrix& mat, const Quat& q ) { if (ROWS == 4) { mat( 3, 0 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); mat( 3, 1 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); mat( 3, 2 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); } if (COLS == 4) { mat( 0, 3 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); mat( 1, 3 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); mat( 2, 3 ) = DATA_TYPE(0.0); } if (ROWS == 4 && COLS == 4) mat( 3, 3 ) = DATA_TYPE(1.0); // track state mat.mState = Matrix::IDENTITY; return setRot( mat, q ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name Coord Generators * @{ */ /** convert Matrix to Coord */ template inline Coord& set( Coord& eulercoord, const Matrix& mat ) { gmtl::setTrans( eulercoord.pos(), mat ); gmtl::set( eulercoord.rot(), mat ); return eulercoord; } /** Redundant duplication of the set(coord,mat) function, this is provided only for template compatibility. * unless you're writing template functions, you should use set(coord,mat) for clarity. */ template inline Coord& setRot( Coord& result, const Matrix& mat ) { return gmtl::set( result, mat ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Generate * @name Generic Generators (any type) * @{ */ /** Construct an object from another object of a different type. * This allows us to automatically convert from any type to any * other type. * @pre must have a set() function defined that converts between the * two types. * @param src the object to use for creation * @return a new object with values based on the src variable * @see OpenSGGenerate.h for an example */ template inline TARGET_TYPE make( const SOURCE_TYPE& src, Type2Type< TARGET_TYPE > t = Type2Type< TARGET_TYPE >() ) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); TARGET_TYPE target; return gmtl::set( target, src ); } /** Create a rotation datatype from another rotation datatype. * @post converts the source rotation to a to another type (usually Matrix, Quat, Euler, AxisAngle), * @post returns a temporary object. */ template inline ROTATION_TYPE makeRot( const SOURCE_TYPE& coord, Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t = Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >() ) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); ROTATION_TYPE temporary; return gmtl::set( temporary, coord ); } /** Create a rotation matrix or quaternion (or any other rotation data type) using direction cosines. * * If the two coordinate frames are labeled: SRC and TARGET, the matrix produced is: src_M_target * this means that it will transform a point in TARGET to SRC but moves the base frame from SRC to TARGET. * * @param DestAxis required to specify * @param SrcAxis optional to specify * @pre specify 1 axis (3 vectors), or 2 axes (6 vectors). * @post Creates a rotation from SrcAxis to DestAxis * @post this function only produces 3x3, 3x4, 4x3, and 4x4 matrices, and is undefined otherwise */ template< typename ROTATION_TYPE > inline ROTATION_TYPE makeDirCos( const Vec& xDestAxis, const Vec& yDestAxis, const Vec& zDestAxis, const Vec& xSrcAxis = Vec(1,0,0), const Vec& ySrcAxis = Vec(0,1,0), const Vec& zSrcAxis = Vec(0,0,1), Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE > t = Type2Type< ROTATION_TYPE >() ) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); ROTATION_TYPE temporary; return setDirCos( temporary, xDestAxis, yDestAxis, zDestAxis, xSrcAxis, ySrcAxis, zSrcAxis ); } /** * Make a translation datatype from another translation datatype. * Typically this is from Matrix to Vec or Vec to Matrix. * This function reads only translation information from the src datatype. * * @param arg the matrix to extract the translation from * * @pre if making an n x n matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS - 1 * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS *
if making an n x n+1 matrix, then for * - vector is homogeneous: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS * - vector has scale component: SIZE of vector needs to equal number of Matrix ROWS + 1 * @post if preconditions are not met, then function is undefined (will not compile) */ template inline TRANS_TYPE makeTrans( const SRC_TYPE& arg, Type2Type< TRANS_TYPE > t = Type2Type< TRANS_TYPE >()) { gmtl::ignore_unused_variable_warning(t); TRANS_TYPE temporary; return setTrans( temporary, arg ); } /** Create a rotation datatype that will xform first vector to the second. * @pre each vec needs to be normalized. * @post This function returns a temporary object. */ template< typename ROTATION_TYPE > inline ROTATION_TYPE makeRot( const Vec& from, const Vec& to ) { ROTATION_TYPE temporary; return setRot( temporary, from, to ); } /** set a rotation datatype that will xform first vector to the second. * @pre each vec needs to be normalized. * @post generate rotation datatype that is the rotation between the vectors. * @note: only sets the rotation component of result, if result is a matrix, only sets the 3x3. */ template inline DEST_TYPE& setRot( DEST_TYPE& result, const Vec& from, const Vec& to ) { // @todo should assert that DEST_TYPE::DataType == DATA_TYPE const DATA_TYPE epsilon = (DATA_TYPE)0.00001; gmtlASSERT( gmtl::Math::isEqual( gmtl::length( from ), (DATA_TYPE)1.0, epsilon ) && gmtl::Math::isEqual( gmtl::length( to ), (DATA_TYPE)1.0, epsilon ) /* && "input params not normalized" */); DATA_TYPE cosangle = dot( from, to ); // if cosangle is close to 1, so the vectors are close to being coincident // Need to generate an angle of zero with any vector we like // We'll choose identity (no rotation) if ( Math::isEqual( cosangle, (DATA_TYPE)1.0, epsilon ) ) { return result = DEST_TYPE(); } // vectors are close to being opposite, so rotate one a little... else if ( Math::isEqual( cosangle, (DATA_TYPE)-1.0, epsilon ) ) { Vec to_rot( to[0] + (DATA_TYPE)0.3, to[1] - (DATA_TYPE)0.15, to[2] - (DATA_TYPE)0.15 ), axis; normalize( cross( axis, from, to_rot ) ); // setRot requires normalized vec DATA_TYPE angle = Math::aCos( cosangle ); return setRot( result, gmtl::AxisAngle( angle, axis ) ); } // This is the usual situation - take a cross-product of vec1 and vec2 // and that is the axis around which to rotate. else { Vec axis; normalize( cross( axis, from, to ) ); // setRot requires normalized vec DATA_TYPE angle = Math::aCos( cosangle ); return setRot( result, gmtl::AxisAngle( angle, axis ) ); } } /** @} */ /** Accesses a particular row in the matrix by copying the values in the row * into the given vector. * * @param dest the vector in which the values of the row will be placed * @param src the matrix being accessed * @param row the row of the matrix to access */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > void setRow(Vec& dest, const Matrix& src, unsigned row) { for (unsigned i=0; i Vec makeRow(const Matrix& src, unsigned row) { Vec result; setRow(result, src, row); return result; } /** Accesses a particular column in the matrix by copying the values in the * column into the given vector. * * @param dest the vector in which the values of the column will be placed * @param src the matrix being accessed * @param col the column of the matrix to access */ template< typename DATA_TYPE, unsigned ROWS, unsigned COLS > void setColumn(Vec& dest, const Matrix& src, unsigned col) { for (unsigned i=0; i Vec makeColumn(const Matrix& src, unsigned col) { Vec result; setColumn(result, src, col); return result; } } // end gmtl namespace. #endif