/************************************************************** ggt-head beg * * GGT: Generic Graphics Toolkit * * Original Authors: * Allen Bierbaum * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * File: QuatOps.h,v * Date modified: 2004/05/25 16:36:28 * Version: 1.26 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- * *********************************************************** ggt-head end */ /*************************************************************** ggt-cpr beg * * GGT: The Generic Graphics Toolkit * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Allen Bierbaum * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************ ggt-cpr end */ #ifndef _GMTL_QUAT_OPS_H_ #define _GMTL_QUAT_OPS_H_ #include #include namespace gmtl { /** @ingroup Ops Quat * @name Quat Operations * @{ */ /** product of two quaternions (quaternion product) * multiplication of quats is much like multiplication of typical complex numbers. * @post q1q2 = (s1 + v1)(s2 + v2) * @post result = q1 * q2 (where q2 would be applied first to any xformed geometry) * @see Quat */ template Quat& mult( Quat& result, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { // Here is the easy to understand equation: (grassman product) // scalar_component = q1.s * q2.s - dot(q1.v, q2.v) // vector_component = q2.v * q1.s + q1.v * q2.s + cross(q1.v, q2.v) // Here is another version (euclidean product, just FYI)... // scalar_component = q1.s * q2.s + dot(q1.v, q2.v) // vector_component = q2.v * q1.s - q1.v * q2.s - cross(q1.v, q2.v) // Here it is, using vector algebra (grassman product) /* const float& w1( q1[Welt] ), w2( q2[Welt] ); Vec3 v1( q1[Xelt], q1[Yelt], q1[Zelt] ), v2( q2[Xelt], q2[Yelt], q2[Zelt] ); float w = w1 * w2 - v1.dot( v2 ); Vec3 v = (w1 * v2) + (w2 * v1) + v1.cross( v2 ); vec[Welt] = w; vec[Xelt] = v[0]; vec[Yelt] = v[1]; vec[Zelt] = v[2]; */ // Here is the same, only expanded... (grassman product) Quat temporary; // avoid aliasing problems... temporary[Xelt] = q1[Welt]*q2[Xelt] + q1[Xelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Yelt]*q2[Zelt] - q1[Zelt]*q2[Yelt]; temporary[Yelt] = q1[Welt]*q2[Yelt] + q1[Yelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Zelt]*q2[Xelt] - q1[Xelt]*q2[Zelt]; temporary[Zelt] = q1[Welt]*q2[Zelt] + q1[Zelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Xelt]*q2[Yelt] - q1[Yelt]*q2[Xelt]; temporary[Welt] = q1[Welt]*q2[Welt] - q1[Xelt]*q2[Xelt] - q1[Yelt]*q2[Yelt] - q1[Zelt]*q2[Zelt]; // use a temporary, in case q1 or q2 is the same as self. result[Xelt] = temporary[Xelt]; result[Yelt] = temporary[Yelt]; result[Zelt] = temporary[Zelt]; result[Welt] = temporary[Welt]; // don't normalize, because it might not be rotation arithmetic we're doing // (only rotation quats have unit length) return result; } /** product of two quaternions (quaternion product) * Does quaternion multiplication. * @post temp' = q1 * q2 (where q2 would be applied first to any xformed geometry) * @see Quat * @todo metaprogramming on quat operator*() */ template Quat operator*( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { // (grassman product - see mult() for discussion) // don't normalize, because it might not be rotation arithmetic we're doing // (only rotation quats have unit length) return Quat( q1[Welt]*q2[Xelt] + q1[Xelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Yelt]*q2[Zelt] - q1[Zelt]*q2[Yelt], q1[Welt]*q2[Yelt] + q1[Yelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Zelt]*q2[Xelt] - q1[Xelt]*q2[Zelt], q1[Welt]*q2[Zelt] + q1[Zelt]*q2[Welt] + q1[Xelt]*q2[Yelt] - q1[Yelt]*q2[Xelt], q1[Welt]*q2[Welt] - q1[Xelt]*q2[Xelt] - q1[Yelt]*q2[Yelt] - q1[Zelt]*q2[Zelt] ); } /** quaternion postmult * @post result' = result * q2 (where q2 is applied first to any xformed geometry) * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator*=( Quat& result, const Quat& q2 ) { return mult( result, result, q2 ); } /** Vector negation - negate each element in the quaternion vector. * the negative of a rotation quaternion is geometrically equivelent * to the original. there exist 2 quats for every possible rotation. * @return returns the negation of the given quat. */ template Quat& negate( Quat& result ) { result[0] = -result[0]; result[1] = -result[1]; result[2] = -result[2]; result[3] = -result[3]; return result; } /** Vector negation - (operator-) return a temporary that is the negative of the given quat. * the negative of a rotation quaternion is geometrically equivelent * to the original. there exist 2 quats for every possible rotation. * @return returns the negation of the given quat */ template Quat operator-( const Quat& quat ) { return Quat( -quat[0], -quat[1], -quat[2], -quat[3] ); } /** vector scalar multiplication * @post result' = [qx*s, qy*s, qz*s, qw*s] * @see Quat */ template Quat& mult( Quat& result, const Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { result[0] = q[0] * s; result[1] = q[1] * s; result[2] = q[2] * s; result[3] = q[3] * s; return result; } /** vector scalar multiplication * @post result' = [qx*s, qy*s, qz*s, qw*s] * @see Quat */ template Quat operator*( const Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { Quat temporary; return mult( temporary, q, s ); } /** vector scalar multiplication * @post result' = [resultx*s, resulty*s, resultz*s, resultw*s] * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator*=( Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { return mult( q, q, s ); } /** quotient of two quaternions * @post result = q1 * (1/q2) (where 1/q2 is applied first to any xform'd geometry) * @see Quat */ template Quat& div( Quat& result, const Quat& q1, Quat q2 ) { // multiply q1 by the multiplicative inverse of the quaternion return mult( result, q1, invert( q2 ) ); } /** quotient of two quaternions * @post result = q1 * (1/q2) (where 1/q2 is applied first to any xform'd geometry) * @see Quat */ template Quat operator/( const Quat& q1, Quat q2 ) { return q1 * invert( q2 ); } /** quotient of two quaternions * @post result = result * (1/q2) (where 1/q2 is applied first to any xform'd geometry) * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator/=( Quat& result, const Quat& q2 ) { return div( result, result, q2 ); } /** quaternion vector scale * @post result = q / s * @see Quat */ template Quat& div( Quat& result, const Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { result[0] = q[0] / s; result[1] = q[1] / s; result[2] = q[2] / s; result[3] = q[3] / s; return result; } /** vector scalar division * @post result' = [qx/s, qy/s, qz/s, qw/s] * @see Quat */ template Quat operator/( const Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { Quat temporary; return div( temporary, q, s ); } /** vector scalar division * @post result' = [resultx/s, resulty/s, resultz/s, resultw/s] * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator/=( const Quat& q, DATA_TYPE s ) { return div( q, q, s ); } /** vector addition * @see Quat */ template Quat& add( Quat& result, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { result[0] = q1[0] + q2[0]; result[1] = q1[1] + q2[1]; result[2] = q1[2] + q2[2]; result[3] = q1[3] + q2[3]; return result; } /** vector addition * @post result' = [qx+s, qy+s, qz+s, qw+s] * @see Quat */ template Quat operator+( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { Quat temporary; return add( temporary, q1, q2 ); } /** vector addition * @post result' = [resultx+s, resulty+s, resultz+s, resultw+s] * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator+=( Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { return add( q1, q1, q2 ); } /** vector subtraction * @see Quat */ template Quat& sub( Quat& result, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { result[0] = q1[0] - q2[0]; result[1] = q1[1] - q2[1]; result[2] = q1[2] - q2[2]; result[3] = q1[3] - q2[3]; return result; } /** vector subtraction * @post result' = [qx-s, qy-s, qz-s, qw-s] * @see Quat */ template Quat operator-( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { Quat temporary; return sub( temporary, q1, q2 ); } /** vector subtraction * @post result' = [resultx-s, resulty-s, resultz-s, resultw-s] * @see Quat */ template Quat& operator-=( Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { return sub( q1, q1, q2 ); } /** vector dot product between two quaternions. * get the lengthSquared between two quat vectors... * @post N(q) = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2 + w1*w2 * @return dot product of q1 and q2 * @see Quat */ template DATA_TYPE dot( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { return DATA_TYPE( (q1[0] * q2[0]) + (q1[1] * q2[1]) + (q1[2] * q2[2]) + (q1[3] * q2[3]) ); } /** quaternion "norm" (also known as vector length squared) * using this can be faster than using length for some operations... * @post returns the vector length squared * @post N(q) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 * @post result = x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w * @see Quat */ template DATA_TYPE lengthSquared( const Quat& q ) { return dot( q, q ); } /** quaternion "absolute" (also known as vector length or magnitude) * using this can be faster than using length for some operations... * @post returns the magnitude of the 4D vector. * @post result = sqrt( lengthSquared( q ) ) * @see Quat */ template DATA_TYPE length( const Quat& q ) { return Math::sqrt( lengthSquared( q ) ); } /** set self to the normalized quaternion of self. * @pre magnitude should be > 0, otherwise no calculation is done. * @post result' = normalize( result ), where normalize makes length( result ) == 1 * @see Quat */ template Quat& normalize( Quat& result ) { DATA_TYPE l = length( result ); // return if no magnitude (already as normalized as possible) if (l < (DATA_TYPE)0.0001) return result; DATA_TYPE l_inv = ((DATA_TYPE)1.0) / l; result[Xelt] *= l_inv; result[Yelt] *= l_inv; result[Zelt] *= l_inv; result[Welt] *= l_inv; return result; } /** * Determines if the given quaternion is normalized within the given tolerance. The * quaternion is normalized if its lengthSquared is 1. * * @param q1 the quaternion to test * @param eps the epsilon tolerance * * @return true if the quaternion is normalized, false otherwise */ template< typename DATA_TYPE > bool isNormalized( const Quat& q1, const DATA_TYPE eps = 0.0001f ) { return Math::isEqual( lengthSquared( q1 ), DATA_TYPE(1), eps ); } /** quaternion complex conjugate. * @post set result to the complex conjugate of result. * @post q* = [s,-v] * @post result'[x,y,z,w] == result[-x,-y,-z,w] * @see Quat */ template Quat& conj( Quat& result ) { result[Xelt] = -result[Xelt]; result[Yelt] = -result[Yelt]; result[Zelt] = -result[Zelt]; return result; } /** quaternion multiplicative inverse. * @post self becomes the multiplicative inverse of self * @post 1/q = q* / N(q) * @see Quat */ template Quat& invert( Quat& result ) { // from game programming gems p198 // do result = conj( q ) / norm( q ) conj( result ); // return if norm() is near 0 (divide by 0 would result in NaN) DATA_TYPE l = lengthSquared( result ); if (l < (DATA_TYPE)0.0001) return result; DATA_TYPE l_inv = ((DATA_TYPE)1.0) / l; result[Xelt] *= l_inv; result[Yelt] *= l_inv; result[Zelt] *= l_inv; result[Welt] *= l_inv; return result; } /** complex exponentiation. * @pre safe to pass self as argument * @post sets self to the exponentiation of quat * @see Quat */ template Quat& exp( Quat& result ) { DATA_TYPE len1, len2; len1 = Math::sqrt( result[Xelt] * result[Xelt] + result[Yelt] * result[Yelt] + result[Zelt] * result[Zelt] ); if (len1 > (DATA_TYPE)0.0) len2 = Math::sin( len1 ) / len1; else len2 = (DATA_TYPE)1.0; result[Xelt] = result[Xelt] * len2; result[Yelt] = result[Yelt] * len2; result[Zelt] = result[Zelt] * len2; result[Welt] = Math::cos( len1 ); return result; } /** complex logarithm * @post sets self to the log of quat * @see Quat */ template Quat& log( Quat& result ) { DATA_TYPE length; length = Math::sqrt( result[Xelt] * result[Xelt] + result[Yelt] * result[Yelt] + result[Zelt] * result[Zelt] ); // avoid divide by 0 if (Math::isEqual( result[Welt], (DATA_TYPE)0.0, (DATA_TYPE)0.00001 ) == false) length = Math::aTan( length / result[Welt] ); else length = Math::PI_OVER_2; result[Welt] = (DATA_TYPE)0.0; result[Xelt] = result[Xelt] * length; result[Yelt] = result[Yelt] * length; result[Zelt] = result[Zelt] * length; return result; } /** WARNING: not implemented (do not use) */ template void squad( Quat& result, DATA_TYPE t, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2, const Quat& a, const Quat& b ) { gmtlASSERT( false ); } /** WARNING: not implemented (do not use) */ template void meanTangent( Quat& result, const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2, const Quat& q3 ) { gmtlASSERT( false ); } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Interp Quat * @name Quaternion Interpolation * @{ */ /** spherical linear interpolation between two rotation quaternions. * t is a value between 0 and 1 that interpolates between from and to. * @pre no aliasing problems to worry about ("result" can be "from" or "to" param). * @param adjustSign - If true, then slerp will operate by adjusting the sign of the slerp to take shortest path * * References: *
  • From Adv Anim and Rendering Tech. Pg 364 *
* @see Quat */ template Quat& slerp( Quat& result, const DATA_TYPE t, const Quat& from, const Quat& to, bool adjustSign=true) { const Quat& p = from; // just an alias to match q // calc cosine theta DATA_TYPE cosom = dot( from, to ); // adjust signs (if necessary) Quat q; if (adjustSign && (cosom < (DATA_TYPE)0.0)) { cosom = -cosom; q[0] = -to[0]; // Reverse all signs q[1] = -to[1]; q[2] = -to[2]; q[3] = -to[3]; } else { q = to; } // Calculate coefficients DATA_TYPE sclp, sclq; if (((DATA_TYPE)1.0 - cosom) > (DATA_TYPE)0.0001) // 0.0001 -> some epsillon { // Standard case (slerp) DATA_TYPE omega, sinom; omega = gmtl::Math::aCos( cosom ); // extract theta from dot product's cos theta sinom = gmtl::Math::sin( omega ); sclp = gmtl::Math::sin( ((DATA_TYPE)1.0 - t) * omega ) / sinom; sclq = gmtl::Math::sin( t * omega ) / sinom; } else { // Very close, do linear interp (because it's faster) sclp = (DATA_TYPE)1.0 - t; sclq = t; } result[Xelt] = sclp * p[Xelt] + sclq * q[Xelt]; result[Yelt] = sclp * p[Yelt] + sclq * q[Yelt]; result[Zelt] = sclp * p[Zelt] + sclq * q[Zelt]; result[Welt] = sclp * p[Welt] + sclq * q[Welt]; return result; } /** linear interpolation between two quaternions. * t is a value between 0 and 1 that interpolates between from and to. * @pre no aliasing problems to worry about ("result" can be "from" or "to" param). * References: *
  • From Adv Anim and Rendering Tech. Pg 364 *
* @see Quat */ template Quat& lerp( Quat& result, const DATA_TYPE t, const Quat& from, const Quat& to) { // just an alias to match q const Quat& p = from; // calc cosine theta DATA_TYPE cosom = dot( from, to ); // adjust signs (if necessary) Quat q; if (cosom < (DATA_TYPE)0.0) { q[0] = -to[0]; // Reverse all signs q[1] = -to[1]; q[2] = -to[2]; q[3] = -to[3]; } else { q = to; } // do linear interp DATA_TYPE sclp, sclq; sclp = (DATA_TYPE)1.0 - t; sclq = t; result[Xelt] = sclp * p[Xelt] + sclq * q[Xelt]; result[Yelt] = sclp * p[Yelt] + sclq * q[Yelt]; result[Zelt] = sclp * p[Zelt] + sclq * q[Zelt]; result[Welt] = sclp * p[Welt] + sclq * q[Welt]; return result; } /** @} */ /** @ingroup Compare Quat * @name Quat Comparisons * @{ */ /** Compare two quaternions for equality. * @see isEqual( Quat, Quat ) */ template inline bool operator==( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { return bool( q1[0] == q2[0] && q1[1] == q2[1] && q1[2] == q2[2] && q1[3] == q2[3] ); } /** Compare two quaternions for not-equality. * @see isEqual( Quat, Quat ) */ template inline bool operator!=( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2 ) { return !operator==( q1, q2 ); } /** Compare two quaternions for equality with tolerance. */ template bool isEqual( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2, DATA_TYPE tol = 0.0 ) { return bool( Math::isEqual( q1[0], q2[0], tol ) && Math::isEqual( q1[1], q2[1], tol ) && Math::isEqual( q1[2], q2[2], tol ) && Math::isEqual( q1[3], q2[3], tol ) ); } /** Compare two quaternions for geometric equivelence (with tolerance). * there exist 2 quats for every possible rotation: the original, * and its negative. the negative of a rotation quaternion is geometrically * equivelent to the original. */ template bool isEquiv( const Quat& q1, const Quat& q2, DATA_TYPE tol = 0.0 ) { return bool( isEqual( q1, q2, tol ) || isEqual( q1, -q2, tol ) ); } /** @} */ } #endif