/* -*-c++-*- osgVisual - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Torben Dannhauer * * This library is based on OpenSceneGraph, open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * osgVisual requires for some proprietary modules a license from the correspondig manufacturer. * You have to aquire licenses for all used proprietary modules. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include using namespace osgVisual; visual_object::visual_object( osg::CoordinateSystemNode* sceneRoot_, std::string nodeName_) { // Add this node to Scenegraph sceneRoot_->addChild( this ); // Set Nodename for further identification this->setName( nodeName_ ); // Set callback. /** \todo: welcher update ist der richtige? voraussichtlich event.) */ //this->setUpdateCallback( new visual_objectPositionCallback() ); this->setEventCallback( new visual_objectPositionCallback() ); // Init Position and Attitude lat = 0; lon = 0; alt = 0; azimuthAngle_psi = 0; pitchAngle_theta = 0; bankAngle_phi = 0; geometry_offset_rotation.makeRotate( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // Init Scale factor scaleX = 1.0; scaleY = 1.0; scaleZ = 1.0; // Init cameraOffset cameraTranslationOffset.makeTranslate( osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ); // Trans: (y, x, -z_down) cameraRotationOffset.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians( 90.0 ), osg::Vec3(1, 0, 0) ); // Rot: (-y, +x , -z) //setCameraOffsetTranslation(0.0, -150.0, 50.0); // Trans: (rechts davon, longitudinal, vertikal) setCameraOffsetTranslation( 150.0, 0.0, 30.0); setCameraOffsetRotation( osg::DegreesToRadians(0.0), osg::DegreesToRadians(-15.0), osg::DegreesToRadians(-90.0) ); // Geometrynode hinzufügen geometry = new osg::Group(); this->addChild( geometry ); unsetGeometry(); // adds an osg::Node as geometry to make the visual_object trackable for node trackers. // Tracking ID trackingId = -1; // Labelnode hinzufügen labels = new osg::Geode(); this->addChild( labels ); } visual_object::~visual_object() { } visual_object* visual_object::createNodeFromXMLConfig(osg::CoordinateSystemNode* sceneRoot_, xmlNode* a_node) { if(a_node == NULL) return NULL; OSG_NOTIFY( osg::ALWAYS ) << __FUNCTION__ << " - Try to creating a new Model.." << std::endl; // Prepare Variables std::string objectname="", filename="", label=""; bool dynamic = false; int trackingID=-1; double lat=0.0, lon=0.0, alt=0.0, rot_x=0.0, rot_y=0.0, rot_z=0.0; double cam_trans_x=0.0, cam_trans_y=0.0, cam_trans_z=0.0, cam_rot_x=0.0, cam_rot_y=0.0, cam_rot_z=0.0; double geometry_rot_x=0.0, geometry_rot_y=0.0, geometry_rot_z=0.0; double geometry_scale_x=1.0, geometry_scale_y=1.0, geometry_scale_z=1.0; osg::ref_ptr updater = NULL; std::string updater_lat="", updater_lon="", updater_alt="", updater_rot_x="", updater_rot_y="", updater_rot_z="", updater_label=""; // extract model properties xmlAttr *attr = a_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "objectname" ) objectname = attr_value; if( attr_name == "trackingid" ) trackingID = util::strToInt(attr_value); if( attr_name == "label" ) label = attr_value; if( attr_name == "dynamic" ) dynamic = util::strToBool(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } for (xmlNode *cur_node = a_node->children; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { std::string node_name=reinterpret_cast(cur_node->name); if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && node_name == "position") { xmlAttr *attr = cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "lat" ) lat = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "lon" ) lon = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "alt" ) alt = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && node_name == "attitude") { xmlAttr *attr = cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "rot_x" ) rot_x = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_y" ) rot_y = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_z" ) rot_z = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && node_name == "updater") { for (xmlNode *sub_cur_node = cur_node->children; sub_cur_node; sub_cur_node = sub_cur_node->next) { std::string sub_node_name=reinterpret_cast(cur_node->children->name); if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "position") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "lat" ) updater_lat = attr_value; if( attr_name == "lon" ) updater_lon = attr_value; if( attr_name == "alt" ) updater_alt = attr_value; attr = attr->next; } } if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "attitude") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "rot_x" ) updater_rot_x = attr_value; if( attr_name == "rot_y" ) updater_rot_y = attr_value; if( attr_name == "rot_z" ) updater_rot_z = attr_value; attr = attr->next; } } if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "label") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "text" ) updater_label = attr_value; attr = attr->next; } } } } if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && node_name == "cameraoffset") { for (xmlNode *sub_cur_node = cur_node->children; sub_cur_node; sub_cur_node = sub_cur_node->next) { std::string sub_node_name=reinterpret_cast(cur_node->children->name); if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "translation") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "trans_x" ) cam_trans_x = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "trans_y" ) cam_trans_y = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "trans_z" ) cam_trans_z = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "rotation") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "rot_x" ) cam_rot_x = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_y" ) cam_rot_y = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_z" ) cam_rot_z = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } } } if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && node_name == "geometry") { // extract filename xmlAttr *attr = cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "filename" ) filename = attr_value; attr = attr->next; } // Extract optional settings for (xmlNode *sub_cur_node = cur_node->children; sub_cur_node; sub_cur_node = sub_cur_node->next) { std::string sub_node_name=reinterpret_cast(sub_cur_node->name); if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "offset") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "rot_x" ) geometry_rot_x = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_y" ) geometry_rot_y = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "rot_z" ) geometry_rot_z = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } if(sub_cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && sub_node_name == "scalefactor") { xmlAttr *attr = sub_cur_node->properties; while ( attr ) { std::string attr_name=reinterpret_cast(attr->name); std::string attr_value=reinterpret_cast(attr->children->content); if( attr_name == "scale_x" ) geometry_scale_x = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "scale_y" ) geometry_scale_y = util::strToDouble(attr_value); if( attr_name == "scale_z" ) geometry_scale_z = util::strToDouble(attr_value); attr = attr->next; } } } } } osgVisual::visual_object* object = new osgVisual::visual_object( sceneRoot_, objectname ); object->lat = lat; object->lon = lon; object->alt = alt; object->azimuthAngle_psi = rot_x; object->pitchAngle_theta = rot_y; object->bankAngle_phi = rot_z; if(label!="") object->addLabel("default", label); if(dynamic) { updater = new osgVisual::object_updater(object); object->addUpdater( updater ); } object->setCameraOffset( cam_trans_x, cam_trans_y, cam_trans_z, cam_rot_x, cam_rot_y, cam_rot_z); if(filename!="") { object->loadGeometry( filename ); object->setGeometryOffset( geometry_rot_x, geometry_rot_y, geometry_rot_z ); object->setScale( geometry_scale_x, geometry_scale_y, geometry_scale_z ); } if(updater.valid()) { updater->setUpdaterSlotNames( object, updater_lat, updater_lon, updater_alt, updater_rot_x, updater_rot_y, updater_rot_z, updater_label); } OSG_NOTIFY( osg::ALWAYS ) << "Done." << std::endl; return object; } void visual_object::setNewPositionAttitude( double lat_, double lon_, double alt_, double azimuthAngle_psi_, double pitchAngle_theta_, double bankAngle_phi_ ) { lat = lat_; lon = lon_; alt = alt_; azimuthAngle_psi = azimuthAngle_psi_; pitchAngle_theta = pitchAngle_theta_; bankAngle_phi = bankAngle_phi_; } void visual_object::setNewPosition( double lat_, double lon_, double alt_ ) { lat = lat_; lon = lon_; alt = alt_; } void visual_object::setNewAttitude( double azimuthAngle_psi_, double pitchAngle_theta_, double bankAngle_phi_ ) { azimuthAngle_psi = azimuthAngle_psi_; pitchAngle_theta = pitchAngle_theta_; bankAngle_phi = bankAngle_phi_; } void visual_object::setGeometryOffset( double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_ ) { geometry_offset_rotation.makeRotate( rotX_, osg::Vec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotY_, osg::Vec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), rotZ_, osg::Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ); } void visual_object::setScale( double scale_ ) { scaleX = scale_; scaleY = scale_; scaleZ = scale_; } void visual_object::setScale( double scaleX_, double scaleY_, double scaleZ_ ) { scaleX = scaleX_; scaleY = scaleY_; scaleZ = scaleZ_; } bool visual_object::loadGeometry(std::string filename_) { // Check if file exists if( !osgDB::fileExists(filename_) ) { OSG_NOTIFY(osg::FATAL) << "Error: Model not loaded. File '" << filename_ << "' does not exist." << std::endl; } osg::ref_ptr tmpModel = osgDB::readNodeFile( filename_ ); if( tmpModel.valid() ) { // remove old geometry geometry->removeChildren(0, geometry->getNumChildren()); // add new geometry geometry->addChild( tmpModel.get() ); return true; } else { std::cout <<": No model loaded: " << filename_ << std::endl; return false; } } bool visual_object::setGeometry(osg::Node* geometry_) { // remove old geometry geometry->removeChildren(0, geometry->getNumChildren()); // add new geometry geometry->addChild( geometry_ ); return true; } void visual_object::unsetGeometry() { // remove old geometry geometry->removeChildren(0, geometry->getNumChildren()); // Set std OSG Node to allow tracking of an osgVisual without geometry->addChild( new osg::Node() ); } void visual_object::addUpdater( object_updater* updater_ ) { if ( updater.valid() ) updater->addUpdater( updater_ ); else updater = updater_; } void visual_object::clearAllUpdater() { // release only first updater. Because smartpointer: Will be deleted if not referenced. if ( updater.valid() ) updater = NULL; } std::vector visual_object::getUpdaterList() { // iterate through updater and add all pointer. std::vector updaterList; osg::ref_ptr tmpUpdater = updater; while (tmpUpdater.valid()) { updaterList.push_back( tmpUpdater ); tmpUpdater = tmpUpdater->getPointer(); } // return list return updaterList; } void visual_object::visual_objectPositionCallback::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { visual_object* object = dynamic_cast(node); if ( !object ) { OSG_NOTIFY(osg::FATAL) << "ERROR : No object found. Unable to apply this callback!" << std::endl; return; } // execute preUpdater to get new data of this object. if ( object->updater.valid() ) object->updater->preUpdate(object); // Nodepath from this node to absolute parent (if no endnode specified) osg::NodePath nodePath = nv->getNodePath(); // If Nodepath != empty, then mt = last element of node path osg::MatrixTransform* mt = nodePath.empty() ? 0 : dynamic_cast(nodePath.back()); if (mt) { osg::CoordinateSystemNode* csn = 0; // find coordinate system node from our parental chain: traverse chain and try to convert every node to a csn. unsigned int i; for(i=0; i(nodePath[i]); // dynamic_cast returns 0 if dynamic_cast fails. } // Wenn csn gefunden: if (csn) { // Ellipsoidmodel erfragen osg::EllipsoidModel* ellipsoid = csn->getEllipsoidModel(); if (ellipsoid) { osg::Matrix inheritedMatrix; // durch den _restlichen_ Nodepath durchgehen und alle anfallenden Transformationen durchführen. for(i+=1; iasTransform(); // Versuchen, den Node zu einer Transformation zu konvertieren // wenn Node wirklich Trafo, dann die Tranformationsmatrix von Nodekoordinaten nach Global auf inheritedMatrix draufschlagen. if (transform) transform->computeLocalToWorldMatrix(inheritedMatrix, nv); } osg::Matrixd matrix(inheritedMatrix); // Set position ellipsoid->computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(object->lat, object->lon, object->alt, matrix); // Set Upvector for position double X,Y,Z; util::calculateXYZAtWGS84Coordinate(object->lat, object->lon, object->alt, csn, X, Y, Z ); object->upVector = ellipsoid->computeLocalUpVector(X,Y,Z); // Set scale osg::Matrixd scaleMatrix; scaleMatrix.makeScale( object->scaleX, object->scaleY, object->scaleZ ); matrix.preMult( scaleMatrix ); // Set rotation // rotation von links ranmultiplizieren, entspricht: matrix = rotation * matrix. Da rotation ein Quat ist, wäre die direkte Multiplikation nur über Umwege machbar. // Rotate Object to Attitude. osg::Matrixd rotationMatrix; // Move Model by Azimuth rotationMatrix.makeRotate( -object->azimuthAngle_psi, osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ); matrix.preMult(rotationMatrix); // Move Model by Pitch rotationMatrix.makeRotate( object->pitchAngle_theta, osg::Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ); matrix.preMult(rotationMatrix); // Move Model by Bank rotationMatrix.makeRotate( object->bankAngle_phi, osg::Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ); matrix.preMult(rotationMatrix); // Also update camera matrix (without geometry offset, because camera is interested in the objects matrix, not in the model's matrix.) object->cameraMatrix = matrix; /** \todo : Clean up camera matrix management: try to solve it with a single matrix. (each frame two matrix mults less) */ // dont know, why this rotation is necessary - maybe manipulator and node MatrixTransform interpret a matrix in different way? object->cameraMatrix.preMult( object->cameraTranslationOffset ); object->cameraMatrix.preMult( object->cameraRotationOffset ); // Set geometry correction matrix.preMultRotate( object->geometry_offset_rotation ); // Set cumulated object matrix as the matrix of this matrix transform mt->setMatrix(matrix); } } } // Call any nested callbacks. traverse(node,nv); // If SLAVE: execute postUpdater to pass new data of this object to dataIO. if( visual_dataIO::getInstance()->isSlave() ) { if ( object->updater.valid() ) object->updater->postUpdate(object); } } // Callbackfunction [ Operater() ] END void visual_object::setCameraOffsetTranslation( double x_, double y_, double z_) { cameraTranslationOffset.makeTranslate( osg::Vec3d(x_, y_, z_) ); // Trans: (rechts davon, longitudinal, vertikal) } void visual_object::setCameraOffset(double x_, double y_, double z_, double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_) { setCameraOffsetTranslation( x_, y_, z_); setCameraOffsetRotation( rotX_, rotY_, rotZ_); } void visual_object::setCameraOffsetRotation(double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_) { osg::Matrix tmp; cameraRotationOffset.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians( 90.0 ), osg::Vec3(1, 0, 0) ); tmp.makeRotate( -rotZ_, osg::Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ); cameraRotationOffset.preMult(tmp); tmp.makeRotate( rotY_, osg::Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ); cameraRotationOffset.preMult(tmp); tmp.makeRotate( -rotX_, osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ); cameraRotationOffset.preMult(tmp); } void visual_object::clearLabels() { labels->removeDrawables(0, labels->getNumDrawables()); } void visual_object::addLabel(std::string idString_, std::string label_, osg::Vec4 color_, osg::Vec3 offset_) { osg::ref_ptr text = new osgText::Text(); text->setName(idString_); text->setText(label_); text->setColor(color_); text->setFont("fonts/arial.ttf"); text->setCharacterSizeMode(osgText::Text::OBJECT_COORDS_WITH_MAXIMUM_SCREEN_SIZE_CAPPED_BY_FONT_HEIGHT); text->setAutoRotateToScreen(true); text->setPosition(offset_); text->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST,osg::StateAttribute::OFF); labels->addDrawable( text ); } bool visual_object::removeLabel(std::string idString_) { osg::Node* labelToRemove = util::findNamedNode(idString_, this); if(labelToRemove) { removeChild( labelToRemove ); return true; } else return false; } bool visual_object::updateLabelText(std::string idString_, std::string label_) { osg::Node* labelToUpdate = util::findNamedNode(idString_, this); if(labelToUpdate) { osgText::Text* text = dynamic_cast(labelToUpdate); if(text) { text->setText(label_); return true; } return false; } return false; } osgText::Text* visual_object::getLabel(std::string idString_) { osg::Node* labelToFind = util::findNamedNode(idString_, this); if(labelToFind) { osgText::Text* text = dynamic_cast(labelToFind); if(text) return text; } return NULL; } bool visual_object::setDrawLabelAsOverlay(std::string idString_, bool drawAsOverlay) { osg::Node* labelToFind = util::findNamedNode(idString_, this); if(labelToFind) { if (drawAsOverlay) labelToFind->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST,osg::StateAttribute::OFF); else labelToFind->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST,osg::StateAttribute::ON); return true; } else return false; } bool visual_object::getDrawLabelAsOverlay(std::string idString_) { osg::Node* labelToFind = util::findNamedNode(idString_, this); if(labelToFind) { if(labelToFind->getOrCreateStateSet()->getMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST) == osg::StateAttribute::OFF) return false; else return true; } return false; }