source: osgVisual/trunk/include/object/visual_object.h @ 194

Last change on this file since 194 was 88, checked in by Torben Dannhauer, 14 years ago

Moved memory leak detection from source file to headerfile. Its still in the class but at least not in the source file.

The leak detection works, but the false positives are not stopped.
Use Linux/Valgrind? to make your final leak detection beyond the easy first approach in MSVC

File size: 13.8 KB
1#pragma once
2/* -*-c++-*- osgVisual - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Torben Dannhauer
3 *
4 * This library is based on OpenSceneGraph, open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
5 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
6 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
7 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
8 *
9 * osgVisual requires for some proprietary modules a license from the correspondig manufacturer.
10 * You have to aquire licenses for all used proprietary modules.
11 *
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
18#include <osg/MatrixTransform>
19#include <osg/Matrix>
20#include <osg/NodeCallback>
21#include <osg/CoordinateSystemNode>
22#include <osg/Notify>
24#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
25#include <osgDB/FileUtils>
27#include <osgText/Text>
29#include <osgGA/CameraManipulator>
31#include <object_updater.h>
32#include <visual_dataIO.h>
33#include <visual_util.h>
35#include <string.h>
36#include <iostream>
38namespace osgVisual
40class visual_objectPositionCallback;
41class object_updater;
45 * \brief Standard namespace of osgVisual
46 *
47 */ 
48namespace osgVisual
52 * \brief This class provides object management for displaying objects in the 3D scene.
53 *
54 * It allows to control an object in position, attitude and size. To control this object automatically, use object_updaters.
55 * To object itself is invisible, you have to connect a visible geometry to this object.
56 * To display geometries, it provides function to load geometries by geometry pointer or filename.
57 * To correct wrong coordinate frames in the geometries to display,
58 * you can configure a geometry off set in translation in translation and rotation
59 * For object mounted camera, you can configure the camera offset in rotation and translation.
60 *
61 * Derive from this class to implement your custom visual_object.
62 *
63 * \todo: Labelmanagement to allow to display a label attached to this object: set/unset label, size, color, offset to object, LOD for label display.
64 *
65 * @author Torben Dannhauer
66 * @date  Apr 2010
67 */ 
68class visual_object  : public osg::MatrixTransform
70        #include <leakDetection.h>
72        /**
73         * \brief Constuctor: Adds this object to the scenegraph,
74         * initializes this object and installs the callback to calculate its local to world matrix
75         *
76         * @param sceneRoot_ : Scenegraph to add this object to.
77         * @param nodeName_ : Name of this object, is used for further identification.
78         */ 
79        visual_object( osg::CoordinateSystemNode* sceneRoot_, std::string nodeName_ );
81        /**
82         * \brief Empty destructor.
83         *
84         */ 
85        ~visual_object();
88/** @name Position and attitude
89 *  These functions control objects position and attitude
90 */
93        /**
94         * \brief This function updates the objects position and attitude.
95         *
96         * @param lat_ : Latitude to set.
97         * @param lon_ : Longitude to set.
98         * @param alt_ : Altitude over ellipsoid to set.
99         * @param azimuthAngle_psi_ : Psi angle () to set.
100         * @param pitchAngle_theta_ : Theta angle () to set.
101         * @param bankAngle_phi_ : Phi angle () to set.
102         *
103         * All angles are rad!
104         *
105         * \todo: Erklären welche Wirkung die drei Winkel haben.
106         */ 
107        void setNewPositionAttitude( double lat_, double lon_, double alt_, double azimuthAngle_psi_, double pitchAngle_theta_, double bankAngle_phi_ );
109        /**
110         * \brief This function updates the objects position.
111         *
112         * @param lat_ : Latitude to set.
113         * @param lon_ : Longitude to set.
114         * @param alt_ : Altitude over ellipsoid to set.
115         */ 
116        void setNewPosition( double lat_, double lon_, double alt_ );
118        /**
119         * \brief This function updates the objects attitude.
120         *
121         * @param azimuthAngle_psi_ : Psi angle () to set.
122         * @param pitchAngle_theta_ : Theta angle () to set.
123         * @param bankAngle_phi_ : Phi angle () to set.
124         *
125         * All angles are rad!
126         *
127         * \todo: Erklären welche Wirkung die drei Winkel haben.
128         */ 
129        void setNewAttitude( double azimuthAngle_psi_, double pitchAngle_theta_, double bankAngle_phi_ );
131/** @name Geometry management
132 *  These functions control which geometry visual_object should display.
133 */
135        /**
136         * \brief This function configures the geometry offset
137         *
138         * @param rotX_ : Geometry rotation along the X axis.
139         * @param rotY_ : Geometry rotation along the Y axis.
140         * @param rotZ_ : Geometry rotation along the Z axis.
141         *
142         * It rotates along the axis of the visual_object, not along the geometry axis!
143         *
144         * \todo: Erklären, welche Achsen welche Richtung sind.
145         */ 
146        void setGeometryOffset( double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_ );
148        /**
149         * \brief This function set the scale to all 3 axis. Use this function to scale objects without distortion.
150         *
151         * @param scale_ : Scale to set for every axis.
152         */ 
153        void setScale( double scale_ );
155        /**
156         * \brief This function sets the scale factor for all 3 axis independently.
157         *
158         * @param scaleX_ : Scalefactor along X axis.
159         * @param scaleY_ : Scalefactor along Y axis.
160         * @param scaleZ_ : Scalefactor along Z axis.
161         */ 
162        void setScale( double scaleX_, double scaleY_, double scaleZ_ );
164        /**
165         * \brief this function loads a geometry from a file and connects it to this visual_object. All filetypes OSG is aware of can be used.
166         *
167         * @param filename_ : File to load and connect.
168         * @return : True if loading was successfully
169         */ 
170        bool loadGeometry( std::string filename_);
172        /**
173         * \brief This function connects a geometry to this visual_object.
174         *
175         * @param geometry_ : Geometry to connect.
176         * @return : True if successful.
177         */ 
178        bool setGeometry(osg::Node* geometry_);
180        /**
181         * \brief This function disconnects the connected object.
182         *
183         */ 
184        void unsetGeometry();
186        /**
187         * \brief This function returns the pointer to the loaded geometry.
188         *
189         * It returns NULL if no geometry is connected.
190         *
191         * @return : Pointer to the geometry if loaded, otherwise NULL.
192         */ 
193        osg::Node* getGeometry(){return geometry;}
196/** @name Object updater
197 *  These functions control objects updater.
198 */
200        /**
201         * \brief This function adds an Updater to this object.
202         *
203         * The updaters postUpdate und preUpdate functions are executed during eventTraversal traversal.
204         * The preUdate is executed before the objects matrix is calculated from position, the postUpdate is executed after the matrix calculation.
205         *
206         * @param updater_ : Updater to add.
207         */ 
208        void addUpdater( object_updater* updater_ );
210        /**
211         * \brief Removes all updater from the visual_object.
212         *
213         */ 
214        void clearAllUpdater();
216        /**
217         * \brief This function returns a vector containing pointer to all updater of the object.
218         *
219         * @return : vector with pointers to all object_updater.
220         */ 
221        std::vector<object_updater*> getUpdaterList();
224/** @name Camera management
225 *  These functions control the camera attitude and position.
226 */
228        /**
229         * \brief This function returns the camera matrix of the scene camera.
230         *
231         * @return : Camera matrix
232         */ 
233        osg::Matrixd& getCameraMatrix() {return cameraMatrix;};
235        /**
236         * \brief This function rotates and translate the objects camera position.
237         *
238         *  The translation coordinate frame is object fixed, the rotation coordinate frame is camera fixed.
239         *
240         * @param x_ : Translation along object's x axis.
241         * @param y_ : Translation along object's y axis.
242         * @param z_ : Translation along object's z axis (positive axis points downwards).
243         * @param rotX_ : Rotation around camera's x axis in [rad].
244         * @param rotY_ : Rotation around camera's y axis in [rad].
245         * @param rotZ_ : Rotation around camera's z axis in [rad].
246         */ 
247        void setCameraOffset(double x_, double y_, double z_, double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_);
249        /**
250         * \brief This function configures the camera offset rotation in that object.
251         *
252         * The coordinate frame for this rotation is camera fixed, NOT object fixed
253         * (e.g. rotation around x axis (bank) rotatates always around the cameras visual axis,
254         * independent from pitch or azimuth)
255         *
256         * @param rotX_ : Rotation around camera's x axis in [rad].
257         * @param rotY_ : Rotation around camera's y axis in [rad].
258         * @param rotZ_ : Rotation around camera's z axis in [rad].
259         */ 
260        void setCameraOffsetRotation(double rotX_, double rotY_, double rotZ_);
262        /**
263         * \brief This function configures the camera offset translation in that object.
264         *
265         * @param x_ : Translate in longitudinal direction. x>0: Camera is in front if the ob
266         * ject, x<0 behind the object.
267         * @param y_ : Translate in transversal direction. x>0: Camera is right of the object, x<0 left of the object.
268         * @param z_ : Translate in vertical direction. x>0: Camera is below the Object, x<0 above the object. (Positiv Z axis points downwards!)
269         */ 
270        void setCameraOffsetTranslation( double x_, double y_, double z_);
273/** @name Label management
274 *  These functions allow to display labels attached to visual_object.
275 */
277        /**
278         * \brief This Function removes all labels attached to this object.
279         *
280         */ 
281        void clearLabels();
283        /**
284         * \brief This function adds a label to the object. 
285         *
286         * @param idString_ : Identifiy string, which is used to find and manipulate the label later.
287         * @param label_ : Message to display as label.
288         * @param color_ : Textcolor. Defaults to white.
289         * @param offset_ : Offset im meter in the objects local coordinate frame
290         */ 
291        void addLabel(std::string idString_, std::string label_, osg::Vec4 color_ = osg::Vec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f), osg::Vec3 offset_ = osg::Vec3(0,0,0));
293        /**
294         * \brief This function removes the specified label.
295         *
296         * @param idString_ : idString of the label to remove.
297         * @return : True if a label with the specified idString_ was found, false if no label with that idString was found.
298         */ 
299        bool removeLabel(std::string idString_);
301        /**
302         * \brief Update the message of the label specified with the idString_.
303         *
304         * @param idString_ : idString of the label to update.
305         * @param label_ : New message to set.
306         * @return : Return true if the specified label was found, return false if the specified label was not found.
307         */ 
308        bool updateLabelText(std::string idString_, std::string label_);
310        /**
311         * \brief returns the message string of the specified label.
312         *
313         * @param idString_ : idString of the label to return message.
314         * @return : Pointer to the Label (osgText::Text) if found, otherwise NULL
315         */ 
316        osgText::Text* getLabel(std::string idString_); 
318        /**
319         * \brief This functions sets the draw mode of the specified label.
320         *
321         * @param idString_ : Label to configure.
322         * @param drawAsOverlay : Set true to draw the label always over the scene. Set false to draw it 3D into the scene (maybe occluded party by objects)
323         * @return : Return true if the specified label was found, return false if the specified label was not found.
324         */ 
325        bool setDrawLabelAsOverlay(std::string idString_, bool drawAsOverlay);
327        /**
328         * \brief This function returns if the specified label is configured as overlay.
329         *
330         * @param idString_ : Label to configure.
331         * @return : True if configured as overlay, false if configured for simple draw
332         */ 
333        bool getDrawLabelAsOverlay(std::string idString_ );
337        /**
338         * \brief Callback class for updating the visual_object while traversing the scenegraph in the event stage.
339         *
340         * @author Torben Dannhauer
341         * @date  Jul 2009
342         */ 
343        class visual_objectPositionCallback : public osg::NodeCallback
344        {
345        public:
346                /**
347                 * \brief Constructor: Empty
348                 *
349                 */ 
350                visual_objectPositionCallback()
351                {
352                   // nothing
353                }
355                /**
356                 * \brief This function is executed by the callback during update traversal.
357                 *
358                 */ 
359                virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv);
360        };
362        osg::Vec3 upVector;
364// Position
365        /**
366         * Latitude of the object.
367         */ 
368        double lat;
370        /**
371         * Longitude of the object.
372         */ 
373        double lon;
375        /**
376         * Altitude of the object over the ellipsoid.
377         */ 
378        double alt;
380// Attitude
381        /**
382         * Azimuth angle (Rotation along Z axis, "heading") of the object
383         */ 
384        double azimuthAngle_psi;
386        /**
387         * Pitch ("nose relative to horizon") angle of the object
388         */ 
389        double pitchAngle_theta;
391        /**
392         * Bank angle of the object.
393         */ 
394        double bankAngle_phi;
396// Scale
397        /**
398         * Object scale along X axis.
399         */ 
400        double scaleX;
402        /**
403         * Object scale along Y axis.
404         */ 
405        double scaleY;
407        /**
408         * Object scale along Z axis.
409         */ 
410        double scaleZ;
412// Camera offset
413        /**
414         * This is the matrix containing the camera position for the  manipulators
415         */ 
416        osg::Matrixd cameraMatrix;
418        /**
419         * This is the camera matrix containing offset translation
420         */ 
421        osg::Matrix cameraTranslationOffset;
423        /**
424         * This is the camera matrix containing offset rotation
425         */ 
426        osg::Matrix cameraRotationOffset;
428        /**
429         * Geometry offset (If a model's coordinate system has wrong orientation.)
430         */ 
431        osg::Quat geometry_offset_rotation;     
433        /**
434         * Pointer to the geometry, associated with this object.
435         */ 
436        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> geometry;
438        /**
439         * Pointer to the updater class which updates this visual_object.
440         */ 
441        osg::ref_ptr<object_updater> updater;
443// Labels
444        /**
445         * Pointer to the labels group which holds all labels associated with this object.
446         */ 
447        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> labels;
449        // Friend classes
450        friend class visual_objectPositionCallback; // To allow the callback access to all member variables.
451        friend class object_updater;    // To allow updater to modify all members.
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