source: osgVisual/trunk/bin/osgVisualConfig.xml @ 225

Last change on this file since 225 was 220, checked in by Torben Dannhauer, 14 years ago

Added util functions to convert string to bool, int or double.
Modified all files to use this functions.

File size: 6.4 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
3  <module name="distortion" enabled="no">
4    <!-- XML configuration of the module "distortion"
5      channelname = name of the channel, used to load the distortion- and blendmaps
6      renderimplementation = technique to distort.
7      Available options:
8          fbo : renderImplementation = osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT
9          pbuffer : renderImplementation = osg::Camera::PIXEL_BUFFER
10          pbuffer-rtt :  renderImplementation = osg::Camera::PIXEL_BUFFER_RTT
11          fb : renderImplementation = osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER
12          window : renderImplementation = osg::Camera::SEPERATE_WINDOW
13    -->
14    <distortion channelname="center" renderimplemmentation="fbo" width="2048" height="2048" useshader="yes" hdr="yes" usetexturerectangle="no"></distortion>
15    <!-- optional: <distortionmap filename="distmap.png"></distortionmap> to set distortionmap independend from channel map-->
16    <!-- optional: <blendmap filename="blendmap.png"></blendmap> to set blendmap independend from channel map -->
17  </module>
19  <module name="sky_silverlining" enabled="yes"></module>
21  <module name="vista2d" enabled="yes">
22    <vista2d filename="D:\osgVisual\osgVisual\bin\altimeterSimple.v" paintBackground="no" position_x="1" position_y="1" zoom="1.0" playanimation="yes"></vista2d>
23  </module>
25  <module name="dataio" enabled="yes">
26    <!-- XML configuration of the module "dataIO"
27        The parameter "enabled" is ignored, because dataIO is mandatory for the visual system to place object etc.
29        Available clusterroles:
30        master: This role recieves all relevant information via the extLink implementation and sends it via cluster implementation to the slave nodes.
31        slave: This role recieves all relevant rendering information via the cluster implementation.
32        standalone: This role recieves all relevant data via the extLink and renders it. No cluster functionality is used.   
33    -->
34    <dataio clusterrole="standalone"></dataio>
35    <cluster implementation="enet" hardsync="yes" master_ip="" port="1234" use_zlib_compressor="yes" ></cluster>
36    <extlink implementation="vcl" filename="osgVisual.xml"></extlink>
37  </module>
39  <scenery>
40    <terrain filename="D:/OpenSceneGraph/VPB-Testdatensatz/DB_Small/database.ive" filename2="J:\BRD1m_MUC0.25m_srtmEU_BM\terrain.ive"></terrain>
41    <animationpath filename="salzburg.path"></animationpath>
42    <models>
43      <!-- Models can be loaded and placed in the scenery.
44        - objectname: Name of the object to identify it in the scenegraph.
45        - tracking ID: ID to manage which object should be tracked
46        - label: text to label the model with.
47        - dynamic: "yes" to add an standard updater to the model.
48        - position: Position to place the model
49        - attitude: Orientation in degree to place the model
50        - updater [optional]: Channels to use for position, attitude and label update
51        - cameraoffset [optional]: Rotational (in degree) and translational offset for the object mounted camera manipulator to the visual_object   
52        - Geometry [optional]: 3D model to display. Leave empty to use model without 3D model.
53        - Geometryoffset [optional]: Rotational offset (in degree) for the loaded 3D model to the visual_object (if the 3D model has a wrong coordinate frame)
54        - Geometryscale [optional]: Scale factors for the loaded 3D model in all three dimensions.
55     -->
56      <model objectname="TestObject" trackingid="1" label="TestText!" dynamic="no">
57        <position lat="47.8123" lon="12.94088" alt="700.0"></position>
58        <attitude rot_x="0.0" rot_y="0.0" rot_z="0.0"></attitude>
59        <updater>
60          <position lat="" lon="" alt=""></position>
61          <attitude rot_x="" rot_y="" rot_z=""></attitude>
62          <label text=""></label>
63        </updater>
64        <cameraoffset>
65          <translation trans_x="0.0" trans_y="0.0" trans_z="0.0"></translation>
66          <rotation rot_x="0.0" rot_y="0.0" rot_z="0.0"></rotation>
67        </cameraoffset>
68        <geometry filename="../models/saenger1.flt">
69          <offset rot_x="0.0" rot_y="0.0" rot_z="0.0"></offset>
70          <scalefactor scale_x="1.0" scale_y="1.0" scale_z="1.0"></scalefactor>
71        </geometry>
72      </model>
73      <trackmodel id="1" updater_slot=""></trackmodel> 
74    </models>
75    <datetime day="0" month="0" year="0" hour="12" minute="30"></datetime>
76    <visibility range="50000" turbidity="2.2" ></visibility>
77    <clouds>
78      <!--<cloudlayer slot="0" type="CUMULONIMBUS_CAPPILATUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
79        <geometry baselength="20000" basewidth="20000" thickness="600" baseHeight="1000" density="0.5"></geometry>
80      </cloudlayer>-->
81      <cloudlayer slot="1" type="CUMULUS_CONGESTUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
82        <geometry baselength="50000" basewidth="50000" thickness="1600" baseHeight="1000" density="0.07"></geometry>
83        <precipitation rate_mmPerHour_rain="5.0" rate_mmPerHour_drySnow="7.0" rate_mmPerHour_wetSnow="10.0" rate_mmPerHour_sleet="0.0"></precipitation>
84      </cloudlayer>
85      <cloudlayer slot="2" type="CUMULUS_MEDIOCRIS" enabled="no" fadetime="15">
86        <geometry baselength="50000" basewidth="50000" thickness="1600" baseHeight="1000" density="0.07"></geometry>
87      </cloudlayer>
88      <!--<cloudlayer slot="3" type="CIRRUS_FIBRATUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
89        <geometry baselength="5000000" basewidth="5000000" thickness="600" baseHeight="7351" density="0.2"></geometry>
90      </cloudlayer>-->
91      <!--<cloudlayer slot="4" type="CIRROCUMULUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
92        <geometry baselength="50000" basewidth="50000" thickness="600" baseHeight="7351" density="0.2"></geometry>
93      </cloudlayer>-->
94      <!--<cloudlayer slot="5" type="STRATOCUMULUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
95        <geometry baselength="100000" basewidth="100000" thickness="2500" baseHeight="2000" density="0.3"></geometry>
96      </cloudlayer>-->
97      <!--<cloudlayer slot="6" type="STRATUS" enabled="yes" fadetime="15">
98        <geometry baselength="50000" basewidth="50000" thickness="1500" baseHeight="1500" density="0.3"></geometry>
99      </cloudlayer>-->
100    </clouds>
101    <windlayer bottom="500.0" top="1100." speed="25.0" direction="90.0"></windlayer>
102  </scenery>
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