#pragma once /* -*-c++-*- osgVisual - Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Torben Dannhauer * * This library is based on OpenSceneGraph, open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * osgVisual requires for some proprietary modules a license from the correspondig manufacturer. * You have to aquire licenses for all used proprietary modules. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osgVisual { /** * \brief This class is the interface to place 2D drawings in screen coordinates over the rendered 3D scene, but before POST_RENDER actions like distortion. * * This class is realized as singleton to make sure that only one interface controls the 2D drawing. * It is derived vom osg::Geode to be includable into the scenegraph. At every frame, callbacks are possible to use for updating 2D drawings dynamically. * * If you wish dynamic content in your drawings, implement callbacks in your content geodes. This class is not capable of callbacks, because it is not added into the scenegraph. * * * @author Torben Dannhauer * @date Sep 2009 */ class visual_draw2D : public osg::Referenced { private: /** * \brief Constructor : Private accessible to prevent instantiation of thsi class by external caller. * */ visual_draw2D(void); /** * \brief Copy-Constructor: Private accessible to prevent copies (from outside) of this class. * * @param cc : Instance to copy. Not relevant because this funtion is not implemented. If this function is not definied, * the compiler would create a public accessible dafault copy constructor. */ visual_draw2D(const visual_draw2D& cc); public: /** * \brief Destructor: Public accessible to allow external functions to clean up this singleton. * */ ~visual_draw2D(void); /** * \brief This function returns the singleton instance for usage. * * @return Pointer to the instance. */ static visual_draw2D* getInstance(); /** * \brief This function initilizes the 2DDraw interface. * * @param sceneGraphRoot_ : Scene root to add the 2D drawings to. * @param viewer_ : Applications main viewer to get the screen resolution * @return : True if successful. */ bool init( osg::CoordinateSystemNode *sceneGraphRoot_, osgViewer::Viewer *viewer_ ); /** * \brief This function shut "drawing interface down. * * It removes all drawables and shuts them down to allow them to uninstall their updater. * */ void shutdown(); /** * \brief Call this function to add a Geode with drawables which contain 2d content. * * @param content_ : Geode with drawables to add. * @param name_ : Name to set the geode to for further identification. * @param renderBinDetail_ : Renderbin to add the content to. 99 is the default for HUD * @return : true of adding was successful. */ bool addDrawContent( osg::Geode* content_, std::string name_,int renderBinDetail_ = 99 ); /** * \brief This function returns a content geode if the name matches the specified one. * * @param name_ : content to search after. * @return : Pointer to the found geode. If no Node with that name is found, NULL is returned. */ osg::Geode* getDrawContent( std::string name_ ); /** * \brief This function removes Drawcontent specified by name_. * * @param name_ : Name of drawcontent to remove. * @return : Returns true if drawcontent was found and successfully removed. */ bool removeDrawContent( std::string name_ ); /** * \brief This function removes all drawContents. * */ void removeAllDrawContents(); /** * \brief This function returns the number of registered drawContents. * * @return : Number of registered drawContents. */ inline int getDrawContentNum(); private: /** * This camera ist NESTED_RENDER and renders all "D drawings. * * It is rendered after the 3D scene but before POST_RENDER cameras like distortion. */ osg::ref_ptr camera; /** * This Modelviewematrix is the parent for all geodes which contain 2D drawings. To be known by the addContent() funtion, it is a classwide member attribute. */ osg::ref_ptr draw2DModelViewMatrix; /** * This Projectionmatrix connects the global scenegraph with the 2D modelview matrix. It is used to disconnect the 2D drawing subgraph from the global scenegrpah on shutdown. */ osg::ref_ptr draw2DProjectionMatrix; /** * This flag indicated whether the draw2D interface is initialized. */ bool initialized; /** * This variable contains the width of the rendering screen during the initialization of this node. */ int screen_width; /** * This variable contains the height of the rendering screen during the initialization of this node. */ int screen_height; }; } // END NAMESPACE