
Welcome to osgVisual Website

osgVisual is a C++ OpenGL toolkit which is based on OpenSceneGraph. It provides high level visualization functions for scientific visualization and vehicle simulators like flight simulators. It is primarily developed to act as visual system on the research flight simulator at the Institute of Flight System Dynamics, TU München, but can be used with minimal adaption in other visualization purposes.
osgVisual provides high level control functions for atmosphere, weather, daylight, dynamic object and lots of other aspects. It's interfaces for 2D and 3D drawing allow simple drawing of additional information into the scene or onto the screen. osgVisual supports multi channel on multi host projection and output distortion for projecting on curved screens.
Because osgVisual is developed with the OpenSceneGraph toolkit, the software can be easily extended or adapted with OpenGL or OpenSceneGraph code.
Read Architecture and GettingStarted for further information.


Initial Funding

osgVisual was initially funded by Institute of Flight System Dynamics, Technische Universität München, Germany

Latest Project News

osgVisual_100.png 22th Mar 2017
New 3rdParty package released
I'm pleased to announce a new version (V11) of the precompiled 3rdParty package for OpenSceneGraph. It is compiled with Visual Studio 2017 RTM and platform toolset v141 for x64. You can get it in two flavors (small and full) at
osgVisual_100.png 26th Nov 2016
Migrated to a new server
Today osgVisual project website has moved to a new machine and updated to the newest trac release.
osgVisual_100.png 20th July 2012
New distortion Framework introduced: distortionNG
osgVisual is working on a next generation distortion framework which allows multi channel setups with geometrical image distortion and blend zones.
There is still some work to do before integrating it officially into osgVisual, but it can already be downloaded from SVN (experimental/distortionNG):

News Archive...

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Mar 22, 2017, 4:46:03 PM